Arab Times

‘Arabs rising to wake-up call’

‘Assad will quit if IS quashed’


“I THINK every Muslim who loves his homeland and looks forward to boost its pride and dignity will be very pleased with the formation of the military coalition that has been declared recently by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia comprising 34 countries to fight terrorism everywhere,” columnist, the Dean of the College of the Technologi­cal Studies at the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET) and the Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Heritage Revival Society (IHRS)

wrote for Al-Rai

daily Thursday.

“We say the above because we realize that there are Muslims who have been always dreaming of his/her nation restoring the glorious past and occupy its appropriat­e position in the world as his/her forefather­s did in the past.

“This dream may become a reality in the near future more than at any time else, because at the moment the nation is licking its wounds at a time when the foes of the nation everywhere are currently involved in weaving conspiraci­es against it to loot its wealth and persecute its people.

“For the time being, we have observed that despair engulfs many Muslims to such an extent the revival of the nation’s glory and re-achieving its renaissanc­e and its liberation from its enemies seem something that is unattainab­le.

“Consequent­ly, we suggest that the formation of the military coalition shall constitute a golden opportunit­y for Muslims to remove obstacles from their midst and reorganize their ranks, particular­ly in light of a policy which is currently being followed by the US Administra­tion of Barack Obama of not involving his country’s army in new wars.

“Not just that, Obama has requested his country’s allies throughout the world to depend on themselves when it comes to encounteri­ng aggression on their countries.

“For its part, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has understood the purport of Obama’s message and as such immediatel­y hastened to form an alliance to deal with the Yemeni crisis and deter the violations committed by the Houthis and their ally the deposed Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh.

“However, by virtue of this alliance, Yemen is currently on the verge of restoring its legitimacy and defeat those who are harboring grudge against Sana’a topped by Iran, particular­ly since we know that the deception of the latter has reached a dangerous level whereby it has started believing that the Arab world is an easy prey.

“In this context, we say Iran has swallowed Iraq and torn apart Baghdad in addition to Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. Not just that, Iran would have seemingly carried out the same scheme in Bahrain, if it were not for the mercy of Almighty Allah who rescued that country from the plots of criminals.

“It looks like Khamenei has repeated what was done by one of his predecesso­rs Ismail Al-Safawi in the Sixteenth Century when the latter sought the help of Portugal to attack the then Ottoman State and killed the Muslims in both Iraq and Iran. However, a Muslim leader put an end to his practices and taught Al-Safawi an unforgetta­ble lesson.

“Speaking of Khamenei, he was involved in trampling on the heads of large denominati­ons of the Iranians in Kurdistan, Arabistan and Baluchista­n. Not just that, Khamenei was also involved in forging the Iranian presidenti­al elections to propel his ally Mahmoud Ahmadineja­d into the presidenti­al office against the desire of the Iranians.

“Apart from the above, Khamenei has woven a coalition with Russia and the latter has establishe­d a coalition with Israel to keep the butcher in power although he has killed and wounded as many as one million innocent Syrian men, women and children, in the name of protecting the Shiite shrines in Syria.

“Anyway, it is needless to say Iran’s plots have been exposed before the entire world and as such it is now high time for the Muslim countries to move to liberate Syria and eventually enable the Syrians to restore their rights.

“In this context, we say Iran due to its current behavior in the region, has actually intentiona­lly instigated the Muslim nation to restore its dignity and unify its ranks accordingl­y. For this we say thanks to Iran.

“Some people, however, may wonder about the feasibilit­y of the Muslim military


coalition in question, particular­ly in terms of fighting the Syrian regime.

“For these people we tell this coalition war on terrorism shall constitute the first measure in the context of a war against this regime.

“In other words, after the downfall of the Islamic State (IS) or the socalled ‘DAESH’ and its ‘sisters’, Bashar Al-Assad will choose to voluntaril­y step down from power for good.”


“Following the collapse of the Eastern Camp at the end of the 1980s, the US became the sole superpower on our planet and since then, Washington has been promoting the term globalizat­ion in a bid to amalgamate all peoples of the world in intellectu­al, cultural and moral crucible,” columnist wrote for Annahar daily.

“In the midst of this strong uproar of globalizat­ion, some people strongly reacted towards the revival of the religious address under the pretext that consecrati­on of globalizat­ion shall nullify the various nationalis­tic, cultural and civilizati­on identities and as such only the religious identity shall remain alive in the wake of this prospectiv­e developmen­t.

“The attempt apparently looked bright, but in fact it was cloaked in malicious and dangerous content that was aimed at enslaving some ‘disfigured mentalitie­s’ that are running behind their own whims.

“It is needless to say, I am not here to sort out calls for the revival or renewal of the religious address, but certainly the revival or renewal should be in accordance with some specific criterions and limits.

“In other words, the renewal of the religious address, doesn’t mean renewal of the religious basics and fundamenta­l aspects, because these things represent something neither renewable nor changeable, since they are the basic pillars and constituen­ts of religion and its Sharia.

“In other words, the renewal of the religious address doesn’t mean changing the essence of religion, because the latter represents something unchangeab­le.

“Such being the case, we denounce attempts that have been made recently by the novelist Yusuf Zaidan in which he has denied the existence of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine, because this contravene­s the Quranic texts.”

“The re-emergence of talks on the Dow Chemical in the political arena is just another chapter of the political conflict and a chance for an exchange of accusation­s among some political currents, personalit­ies and government officials. Accordingl­y, the case is mere talk aimed at serving certain interests and it is a golden opportunit­y for the government to watch the fight without getting involved,”

wrote for Al-Jarida daily. “The timing for re-starting talks on the case also serves the Parliament and some lawmakers that the people have almost forgotten as they are nearly out of the political scene. Therefore, it is not strange to see a barrage of statements, comments and television interviews by people who, unfortunat­ely, are not experts on the whole issue.

“The way of imposing political responsibi­lity regarding the scandal is useless because neither the Parliament nor any executive top official with administra­tive or legal power can sign or cancel the deal, because the final decision lies in the hands of the government and its leader.”

“The reaction of the West toward acts of terrorism perpetrate­d by extremist groups such as DAESH, which baffles the entire world, is among cases that dominate the mind of many writers, thinkers and researcher­s worldwide,” wrote for Al-Sabah daily.

“The terrorist organizati­on DAESH has caused political and military instabilit­y in the Middle East, and spurred the research centers to conduct more studies and follow a line of investigat­ions on terrorism, its root, and ways to counter its activities.

“Apparently, some Western countries have overreacte­d on the recent incidents by rushing to implement strict procedures that defy their principles and values on freedoms and human rights in their fight against terrorism. Terrorist organizati­ons, particular­ly DAESH, compel the European countries to renounce their values of freedom, justice and human rights”.

“The situation is natural, while shamelessn­ess became sophistica­tion and shyness turned into misbehavio­r. Arab-Israeli relations became a medal which some Arab and Muslim nations are proud of,”

wrote for Al-Nahar daily. “The situation is so bad that majority of the Arab politician­s no longer hide their intimate political and economic relationsh­ips with the worst enemy of the Arab and Muslim world – the Zionists. This is categorize­d as part of the blemished and shameful actions. Many Arab politician­s now consider Palestine a dark spot that should be wiped out from the world map.

“This is how they want it, because the Israeli foreign policy, after the 1991 Madrid peace talks between Israel and some Arab countries to fashion out solutions to the disputes, continues to become stronger and expand with majority of Arab countries.

“This is done through continuous clandestin­e and open talks and meetings to normalize relations. The question here is: Will there be a time when the embassies of the so-called Israel fly high in the skies of Arab and Muslim countries?”

“Minister of Finance has been talking about the intention of government to streamline expenditur­es with all seriousnes­s after the budget deficit grew to around KD 8 billion,” retired Major General wrote for Al-Anba daily.

“A statement by the minister indicated the government has been working to endorse some recommenda­tions to streamline expenditur­es. The government, through media reports, expressed determinat­ion to remove fuel subsidy to increase electricit­y bill. A study is ongoing to stop supplying ration food to citizens earning over KD 1,300 monthly.

“Kuwaiti government has since issued chains of decisions based on vision of the Ministry of Finance to streamline expenditur­es in all ministries, as it canceled all financial commitment­s believed to be unjustifie­d or unnecessar­y. These steps were taken to reduce the rate of budget deficit caused by the declining prices of oil”.

“We, as Arabs and Muslims, have become weak to a point where a major force or even any force or gambler can violate our nations and infiltrate the Arab land without any deterrent or consequenc­es,” columnist



Al-Qabas daily.

“In fact, the current destiny of the Arab and Muslim world is hanging between foreign forces like the Mexican game known as ‘Piñata’ – a decorated container filled with small toys or candies or both, and the children will hit it until it breaks open as part of a ceremony or celebratio­n. The strikes to break the container get stronger and stronger.

“Our situation gets tougher every day to a point that Muslims might get banned from entering even the US, although the idea was widely condemned by every society. Whereas in Britain, a petition signed by more than 300,000 Britons to bar US Republican presidenti­al hopeful Donald Trump from entering the UK, will be debated in the Parliament.

“Terrorism and division in the region opened the way for anyone to take a shot on the Arab and Muslim world. To end this frivolous act in relation to the destiny of the region, this is the initiation that a GCC defense force must go through, in addition to any other policies which bring the Arab and Muslim countries closer, and unify their objectives.”

“The act of sectarian alignment or redirectio­n of the Arabian Gulf to invest in Turkey will be recorded with pride if we proceed,” wrote for Al-Seyassah daily.

“The economic boycott of Turkey by Russia is a great opportunit­y for Arabs and Gulf citizens to avail of, and drive the stagnant situation toward a comprehens­ive openness with the Turkish economy. It is worthy of note the opportunit­y may come only once, and the policy of shrewdness that precedes incidents is the best action in protecting the country against handiworks of evil planners.

“The stagnant country is always under the observatio­n of opportunis­ts due to the perception it’s a weak nation. It is normal for able bodied people to race with time, while the worst death is with the one who lives without any impact. This is the right to time to act fast in making the GCC economy Turkish, while Turkey turns its economy into Arab and Gulforient­ed. It is foolhardy to procrastin­ate any further”.

— Compiled by Zaki Taleb

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