Arab Times

Yemen truce fragile as rebels threaten Saudi

UAE puts 6 on trial on charges of supplying Houthis


ADEN, Dec 21, (Agencies): A ceasefire in Yemen that has been frequently violated was due to be extended Monday night, as fighting persisted in the north and rebels vowed more missile attacks on Saudi targets.

The truce was set to be renewed for one week, a day after the Saudi-backed government and Iran-backed rebels wrapped up peace talks in Switzerlan­d without any breakthrou­gh.

The six days of closed-door meetings were strained by repeated violations of a coinciding ceasefire aimed at calming tensions between loyalists and the rebels who control Sanaa.

On Monday, clashes continued in the north of Yemen, while there was a lull in fighting in the south, even outside third city Taez which is under rebel siege, pro-government forces said.

Ten rebels were killed as loyalists pressed their offensive in Nihm, 40 kms (25 miles) outside the capital, they said.

Loyalists also advanced towards the Saudi border post of Baqa in northern Jawf province.

The Saudi-led coalition that has backed the loyalists since March bombed rebel positions in Khawlan, east of Sanaa, witnesses said.

A halt to the violence is sorely needed in the Arabian Peninsula’s poorest nation, where the UN says fighting since March has killed thousands of people and left about 80 percent of the population needing humanitari­an aid.

UN special envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed announced in Bern on Sunday that a new round of talks would be held on Jan 14 at a location yet to be disclosed.

The conflict has escalated dramatical­ly since Saudi-led air strikes began in March, with more than 5,800 people killed and 27,000 wounded since then, according to UN figures.

The Houthis, a Shiite minority from Yemen’s north, seized Sanaa last year and then advanced south to the second city of Aden, forcing President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi to flee to Saudi Arabia in March.

Following territoria­l gains by loyalist troops backed by the coalition, Hadi returned to Aden in November after six months in exile in the neighbouri­ng oil-rich kingdom.

Before dawn on Monday, Saudi Arabia intercepte­d a missile fired from Yemen into the kingdom’s southern Jazan district, the coalition said, after a missile killed three civilians two days earlier.

“Air forces immediatel­y destroyed the launch pad inside Yemen,” the coalition said.

The Saudis have also deployed Patriot missile batteries designed to counter tactical ballistic missiles.

Clashes have been common along the border with Saudi Arabia, where rebel strikes have killed more than 80 people since March.

Monday’s attack came a day after a spokesman for forces allied to the Houthis vowed to intensify missile attacks on Saudi targets.

Brigadier General Sharaf Luqman said “300

Saudi military and vital targets” had been chosen.

The rebels and their allies still have “about 60 to 70 missiles, including Tochka missiles”, Yemeni army sources say, despite coalition claims to have neutralise­d their ballistic capabiliti­es.

The Houthis’ political bureau hailed “the missile strikes that inflicted unpreceden­ted losses on the enemy”, and criticised the United Nations for “not being serious in its efforts to end the aggression”.

Arab diplomats noted “internatio­nal pressure” to end the fighting in Yemen.

“Permanent members of the UN Security Council, including the United States, are pressing all warring parties in Yemen to end hostilitie­s,” one said.

“Washington has led intense contact with countries of the Arab coalition, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to support a permanent ceasefire in Yemen,” another diplomat said.

An Iranian spokesman said Monday that diplomatic efforts were under way to open “direct dialogue” between rivals Tehran and Riyadh to resolve regional issues, including the Yemen conflict.


Meanwhile, six people are on trial in the United Arab Emirates on charges of providing supplies to the country’s enemies from the Iran-allied Houthi movement in Yemen, the state news agency WAM said on Monday.

It was the first reported instance of people in the UAE being accused of helping the Houthis, who have killed scores of Emirati soldiers deployed in battlefron­ts throughout Yemen.

The UAE along with Saudi Arabia and other mostly Gulf Arab countries intervened in Yemen’s civil war against the Houthis in March after they forced the country’s government into exile.

“Six Arab defendants, including a Gulf citizen, are on trial on charges of providing the terrorist Houthi movement in Yemen with communicat­ion devices and equipment,” WAM news agency said.

The Emirati public prosecutor accused them of giving the Houthis “communicat­ions devices and chemical materials,” without elaboratin­g, according to WAM. One of the defendants managed Houthi funds in the UAE, the prosecutor said.

The mostly Gulf Arab coalition that intervened in Yemen believe that the Houthis, who hail from a Shi’ite Muslim sect, are a proxy for the influence of its regional arch-adversary Iran.

The Houthis deny this, saying they are fighting a war against endemic corruption and exclusiona­ry autocratic rule in the Arabian Peninsula country.

 ??  ?? Iraqi soldiers advance their position in northern Ramadi, 70 miles (115 km) west of Baghdad, Iraq, on Dec 21. (AP)
Iraqi soldiers advance their position in northern Ramadi, 70 miles (115 km) west of Baghdad, Iraq, on Dec 21. (AP)

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