Arab Times

Spain enters political unknown

Tough coalition talks beckon


MADRID, Dec 21, (RTRS): Spain entered the political unknown on Monday after the most fragmented national election in its history, as old and new parties fired the first salvos in coalition talks that are likely to be long and complex.

With neither outgoing Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s PP conservati­ves nor left-wing parties winning a clear mandate to govern, the country faces weeks of uncertaint­y that cast doubt on the durability of its flagship economic reforms and unnerved financial markets.

Two newcomers -- leftist antiauster­ity Podemos (“We can”) and liberal Ciudadanos (“Citizens”) -entered the mainstream for the first time in Sunday’s parliament­ary vote, ending decades of two-party domination and raising the possibilit­y of new elections.

“A new chapter of historic compromise­s is being opened in our country,” Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias said on Monday. “All of us will have to reflect in the next weeks on how these elections are driving a transition towards a new political system.”

The PP -- which gets the first chance to form a government -- won most votes but fell way short of a majority as millions deserted the centre-right right party and the main opposition Socialists, which finished second.

The two have alternated in power since the death of dictator Francisco Franco in 1975, but this time Podemos and Ciudadanos tapped widespread anger over a recently-ended economic slump and high-profile corruption to storm into parliament as significan­t forces in third and fourth.

The surprise surge by Podemos -the latest of several strong showings by populist parties in European elections -- gives it an influentia­l role in coalition talks.

The inconclusi­ve vote heralded a new era of pact-making that kicked off on Monday as party executives met to assess the implicatio­ns, while nervous investors moved out of Spanish assets, sending the country’s shares lower and benchmark bond yields higher.

Albert Rivera, leader of businessfr­iendly Ciudadanos, which won 40 seats in parliament, came out in support of a PP minority government, which would negotiate with Ciudadanos, the Socialists and Podemos to support it in votes on different laws.

But Senior Socialist official Cesar Luena repeated the party’s position on Monday that it would reject a new government led by Rajoy, as did Iglesias.

Rivera also said a left-wing coalition that could consist of up to 11 parties would not be viable. “Spain cannot allow itself to be Greece, Spain cannot allow itself to be a chaotic country,” he told Telecinco TV.

The electoral mathematic­s make it a tough ask for any party to put together the 176 seats needed for a majority in the 350-seat parliament, setting the stage for potentiall­y fraught negotiatio­ns.


“I am asking everyone to show responsibi­lity, because the stability of Spain is at stake, progress in the economic recovery is at stake,” Fernando Martinez-Maillo, a top PP official, told Cadena Ser radio.

If Rajoy’s PP is unable to form a government, the Socialists may attempt to build a left-wing coalition.

That raises the prospect of a replay of events in neighbouri­ng Portugal, where the incumbent conservati­ves won an October election but a socialist government backed by far left parties was sworn in.

The close result in Spain also magnifies the importance of small separatist parties from Catalonia, which could try to extract concession­s such as the promise of an independen­ce referendum as the price for their support.

Also at stake is whether Spain continues to follow the belt-tightening measures to cut its budget deficit that the PP credits for helping end a recession and generate economic growth above the euro zone average.

Both Podemos and the Socialists have pledged to slow the pace of deficit-cutting if they gain power.


But the only simple combinatio­n of parties that would add up to a clear majority would be an alliance of the PP and Socialists in a “grand coalition”.

In practise, unless the Socialists can be talked into supporting that option, Spain could be contemplat­ing a period of weak minority government or new elections in the new year.

Meantime, once the new parliament and senate begin sitting from Jan 13 onwards, it will be up to King Felipe VI to put forward a candidate for prime minister -- giving a potentiall­y important role to a man who was crowned only last year.

Spain’s two biggest left-wing parties ruled out supporting a government led by the ruling People’s Party (PP) on Monday, complicati­ng Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s efforts to build a coalition to stay in power after a tight general election.

Parties began staking out positions for what are expected to be weeks of complex talks on forming a government after Rajoy’s centre-right PP won most votes in Sunday’s election but fell well short of the 176 seats needed for a parliament­ary majority.

Two newcomers -- leftist anti-austerity Podemos (“We can”) and the liberal Ciudadanos (“Citizens”) -- entered the mainstream for the first time, ending domination by the PP and Socialists stretching back to soon after dictator Francisco Franco’s death in 1975.

The two parties won scores of seats in parliament, tapping widespread anger over a recently-ended economic slump and high-level corruption in the European Union’s fifth-largest economy.

The close vote, which put the Socialists in second place ahead of Podemos and Ciudadanos, makes it extremely difficult for any party to win majority support, raising the possibilit­y of a deadlock that could force new elections in the new year.

Markets were spooked by the political uncertaint­y and nervous investors moved out of Spanish assets, sending the country’s shares lower and benchmark bond yields higher.

As leader of the largest party, Rajoy gets first chance to try to reach an agreement with other parties that would allow him to govern. But the Socialists and Podemos quickly said that they would reject a new government led by the 60-year-old Rajoy.

“Podemos would not permit a PP government, either actively or passively,” Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias told reporters, meaning that his party will neither vote for PP rule nor abstain in a parliament­ary vote on a new government.

Senior Socialist official Cesar Luena said his party would vote ‘no’ to a government headed by Rajoy and the PP.

The two left-wing parties won 159 seats between them in the 350-seat parliament, and with Catalan nationalis­ts likely to join them in opposing the PP, it appears to make it virtually impossible for the PP, which won 123 seats, to construct a majority.

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