Arab Times

Many feel a dead end fuels militancy

In Belgian district, youth feel neglected, rejected


BRUSSELS, Dec 21, (AP): Brahim Abdeslam seemed no different from his peers in Molenbeek, one of Belgium’s poorest districts, where drug use is rife and many of the young men are unemployed. One November evening, he passed the time smoking pot in a parked car with two of his friends.

But the next day, Abdeslam drove to Paris, and on Nov 13 he blew himself up outside a cafe on Boulevard Voltaire, part of the wave of attacks claimed by the Islamic State group that killed 130 people.

The Molenbeek district of Brussels was home to a core number of the participan­ts in the Paris attacks: its reported architect, Abdelhamid Abaood; Abdeslam; his brother, Salah, who escaped and remains at large; and three others. Another suicide bomber in the attacks, Bilal Hadfi, hailed from a similar district in the Belgian capital. Moreover, those involved in at least two previous attacks — the foiled shooting on a French train and an attack on the Jewish Museum in Belgium that killed four — had links to Molenbeek.

Home to generation­s of immigrants and Belgians of North African descent, Molenbeek feels like a dead end for many of its youth, residents say. With few opportunit­ies, they feel neglected by authoritie­s and rejected by the rest of Belgian society — giving an opening for radicals to seek recruits.

“We are now well into the fourth generation of migrants,” said Sheikh Mohammed Tojgani, the imam of Molenbeek’s main mosque, al-Khalil. “Now even children realize one way or another that they are marginaliz­ed and that they are encounteri­ng racism. And when older ones look for work, they are not given many opportunit­ies.”

“That is what makes recruiting them easy, because they all have accumulate­d hatred.”

Militant recruits have mostly been small-time criminals, young idealists and young women from broken homes looking for men who would make reliable husbands, said Johan Leman, an anthropolo­gist who heads Foyer, a volunteer agency in the district.

Molenbeek’s youth speak of bearded men who talk to them about “helping your brothers in Syria,” trying to recruit them to join jihadis fighting in that country’s civil war. A total of 30 Molenbeek residents have left for Syria since 2011, according to Mayor Francoise Schepmans. But youth in the neighborho­od say the figure may be much higher.

Zaid, a 24-year-old of Moroccan descent, was with Abdeslam in the car that night. He had known Abdeslam for years in a friendship built over countless nights smoking pot, playing cards or hanging out at the cafe Abdeslam owned in Molenbeek — which police closed down not long before the attacks on suspicion of drug dealing there.

Abdeslam never talked about politics, never spoke in favor of IS or other militants, Zaid told The Associated Press. He also drank beer and gambled — both forbidden in Islam. Zaid showed a short video on his phone showing Brahim and his brother Salah dancing with women in a nightclub in May.

“Like almost everyone from Molenbeek, he was full of contradict­ions,” said Zaid. “He did not see, or chose not to see, a clash between drinking beer, gambling and praying. He has done all of them simultaneo­usly.” Like many of those who knew the Paris attackers, Zaid spoke to the AP on condition he only be identified by his first name to avoid police attention.

In recent months, Abdeslam dropped some of those habits and started to pray more regularly, but that was hardly unusual. He continued to smoke pot, which is frowned upon in Islam but not explicitly banned.


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