Arab Times

Breast feeding


The Ministry of Health doesn’t give more than 28 days maternity leave for its female expat workers as breast feeding is not their right.

The Ministry of Interior requires that a working woman can’t keep baby in Kuwait just because the father is not a resident so she is forced to send the baby to her home country and so can’t feed or give any maternal care.

Expat babies don’t have right to breast milk for more than two months (one month annual leave is usually taken after maternity).

I take this opportunit­y, through the Legal Clinic to request the authoritie­s to take note of this basic need for every baby irrespecti­ve of nationalit­y.

Name withheld

Answer: You are wrong. The Kuwaiti laws clearly allow a child to be breast fed until a certain age. In fact, it details that a two-hour break must be given daily to the mother — after the maternity leave — so she can breast feed her child.

But yours is a different kind of problem because your husband is only a visitor to the country and does not have Kuwait residence. In such a case, you do not enjoy such privileges for too long because you are required by law to ensure that you take the child out of the country within 60 days of its birth.

As a mother you can’t sponsor the child, only the father can. So, the issue is a legal one, not humanitari­an.

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