Arab Times

Alleged ‘PLO deal’ probed:




Switzerlan­d is looking into whether a former government minister struck a secret deal offering diplomatic assistance to the Palestine Liberation Organizati­on in 1970 in exchange for the Arab group stopping attacks on Swiss targets.

The allegation emerged this year in a book, “Swiss Terror Years,” which has also raised questions whether a pact between the PLO and Switzerlan­d interfered with an investigat­ion into a bomb attack on a Swissair plane in 1970 that killed 47 people. No one was ever charged with that bombing.

The foreign ministry said on Friday that a task force including police, justice and military officials would try to answer not only whether neutral Switzerlan­d cut the deal with the PLO in September 1970, but whether the investigat­ion into the Swissair bombing had been thorough.

In his book, Swiss journalist Marcel Gyr wrote that former Foreign Minister Pierre Graber, who died in 2003 at age 94, secretly contacted the PLO after several attacks including the killing of an Israeli airline pilot in 1969 at Zurich airport and a September 1970 incident in which 300 hostages on three jets were forced to land in Jordan.

Gyr wrote that Graber reached an agreement with the PLO: In exchange for the group refraining from further attacks on Swiss targets, Switzerlan­d would provide the PLO with diplomatic assistance in Geneva, a base of the United Nations.

Gyr said his research also unearthed legitimate questions about whether the Swiss justice system swept its investigat­ion of the Swissair bombing under the rug in the wake of the PLO pact.

Since his book’s publicatio­n, some involved with the government during the period have expressed doubts about his conclusion­s.

Gyr stands by his research, which he said included interviews with people involved with the matter at the time, such as former parliament minister Jean Ziegler, who said he helped Graber contact PLO leaders.

Gyr said he was pleased the present

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