Arab Times

Late RUSADA boss planned book before sudden death

Kamaev set to expose ‘secret lab’


MOSCOW, Feb 21, (AP): The former executive director of the Russian antidoping agency planned to write a book on drug use in sports shortly before his sudden death, a former colleague and Britain’s Sunday Times newspaper reported Sunday.

Sunday Times sportswrit­er David Walsh, renowned for his coverage of cycling champion Lance Armstrong’s doping, reported that Kamaev wrote to him in November offering to reveal informatio­n on doping covering the last three decades since Kamaev began work for a “secret lab” in the Soviet Union.

Kamaev’s former boss at the RUSADA agency, Ramil Khabriev, told Russia’s Tass agency that Kamaev planned a book but abandoned it because an “American publisher” had demanded too much influence over its contents.

Kamaev died Feb 14, aged 52, of what the Russian anti-doping agency called a “massive heart attack.”

In Walsh’s account, Kamaev was quick to contact The Sunday Times after a World Anti-Doping Agency commission accused RUSADA of helping to cover up doping by top Russian athletes as part of a systematic, state-sponsored program of drug use.

According to the newspaper, Kamaev said he had collected unpublishe­d “actual documents, including confidenti­al sources, regarding the developmen­t of performanc­e enhancing drugs and medicine in sport,” plus communicat­ions with the Russian Sports Ministry and Internatio­nal Olympic Committee. It is not clear whether Kamaev ever provided any documents.

Walsh wrote that Kamaev first made contact on Nov 21, three days after WADA declared RUSADA non-compliant, effectivel­y shutting down its operations. Kamaev remained at RUSADA until December before resigning.

Walsh said that Kamaev wanted him to be his co-author but that the book plans did not proceed further. Walsh added he was reluctant to work with Kamaev because of the latter’s poor English and former role overseeing the drug testing agency at a time when the Russian government gained more influence over drug testing.

The mention of a “secret lab” in the e-mails reported by The Sunday Times echoes a charge in the WADA commission’s report that Russia operated a concealed site for screening Russian drug test samples before the material officially entered the RUSADA system.

Former RUSADA director general Khabriev painted a different picture in comments to state-run news agency Tass, suggesting Kamaev was exploited by unnamed Americans keen to tarnish Russia’s reputation.

“Some American publisher was ordering this book from Nikita Kamaev,” Khabriev said. “He asked my advice about whether it was worth doing. I couldn’t block him from doing it, especially if he had something to share.”

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