Arab Times


- By Jacqueline Bigar

Happy birthday for Monday, Feb. 22, 2016: This year you often see both sides of an argument, but you tend to favor one side. For this reason, you could find yourself struggling or having arguments about trivial matters. If you are single, your tendency to play devil’s advocate could distance you from potential suitors. Another possibilit­y is that you hook up with someone who likes to argue. This person might work for you this year, but not in the future. If you are attached, your significan­t other might adore being with you, but would prefer fewer black-or-white situations. Note what you have in common with each other. VIRGO might be unusually lucky to hang out with.

The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult

Capricorn - (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

***** How you handle a personal matter could change with more perspectiv­e and empathy. You might be working on a more intuitive level that could distract you from logic and details. You’ll need to carefully weigh the informatio­n you receive. Tonight: At a favorite haunt.

Aquarius - (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

***** Deal with a partner directly, and listen to his or her logic. Your impression of this person’s message could be substantia­lly different from what you are actually hearing. Some of the informatio­n you hear might not be grounded. Tonight: Go along with a friend’s suggestion.

Pisces - (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

**** Defer to others, and listen to what they have to say. It appears as if no matter how attentive you try to be, your mind drifts to other topics or selects only part of what you are hearing to work with. You might want to figure out what is distractin­g you.

Tonight: Say “yes” to an offer..

Aries - (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

*** Confusion marks this day, along with very different points of view. A good place for you to be is where controvers­y exists. Seeds of better ideas often come from working with these difference­s. Try to understand where others are coming from. Tonight: Keep the discussion going.

Taurus - (Apr 20 - May 20)

**** The Full Moon today promises many changes and possibilit­ies. You might wonder which way you should go, as you are on the verge of making a long-term dream a reality. A new friend could be distractin­g. Tonight: Let go of what seems irritating. Go for what you desire most.

Gemini - (May 21 - June 20)

*** You could be viewed as a bit of a stick in the mud. Yes, you! You can’t seem to veer from your position, even though someone presents an inspired idea. You might feel as if there are no answers that would please everyone. At least make an effort. Tonight: Homeward bound.

Cancer - (June 21 - July 22)

**** Keep reaching out to a loved one at a distance who often presents a different point of view. Good news surrounds this person. You might feel as if there are no answers that work for you so far. Be open to working with several different approaches. Tonight: Catch up on a friend’s news.

Leo - (July 23 - Aug 22)

*** Be aware of what is going on with an emotional issue that seems to play a significan­t role in your well-being. You could feel as if logic and levelheade­dness are on your side. A friend might be so idealistic that you worry about his or her choices. Tonight: Run some errands first.

Virgo - (Aug 23 - Sept 22):

**** Despite some adversity and difference­s of opinion, you seem impervious to the ups and downs of the moment. You feel very secure and on-target right now. Your energy is at its peak, and you won’t mind a lively discussion about any matter. Tonight: Beam in what you want.

Libra - (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

** You might be more in touch with others and their differing opinions. How you handle a personal matter could be less successful today than how you would approach it in a few days. If you’re feeling unsure of yourself, play the waiting game. Tonight: Take some personal time.

Scorpio - (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

**** Keep your eye on the big picture as well as on a long-term goal. You could be distracted by a child or loved one, but pleasantly so. You might have some difficulty balancing all the different interests that pop up today. Tonight: Ask, and expect to receive what you want!

Sagittariu­s - (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

**** You might want to have a discussion with an associate who seems a bit overloaded. You can identify with this person, but you have chosen to prioritize your life differentl­y, and therefore can absorb and disseminat­e informatio­n with greater ease. Tonight: The only answer is “yes.”

Born today:

Former US President George Washington (1732), actress Drew Barrymore (1975), singer/songwriter James Blunt (1974)

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