Arab Times

Trump protests risk ‘backlash’

GOP primaries


FOUNTAIN HILLS, Arizona, March 26, (AP): David Rau wasn’t sure about Donald Trump. So the landscape contractor strolled over to the main park in this Phoenix suburb to watch one of the businessma­n’s recent rallies and decide for himself.

Demonstrat­ors pulled their cars across an access road to block people driving to the event. Dozens marched to the park and stood by Rau, chanting “Stop the hate!” as he tried to listen. He left a Trump convert. “I’ve got the right to listen to somebody speak, don’t I?” Rau asked.

Trump’s rise in the Republican presidenti­al contest has sparked i ncreasingl­y confrontat­ional protests, mobilized his opponents and drawn scrutiny of the Republican frontrunne­r’s rhetoric and the sometimes rough way his campaign handles dissent. But as demonstrat­ors escalate their tactics, they also risk helping Trump, especially among Republican voters his rivals are furiously trying to persuade to reject the billionair­e businessma­n.

“I encourage people to speak out against Trump in a forceful but respectful manner because some of these protests are only serving to help him,” said Tim Miller, a spokesman for a Republican group trying to stop Trump. “He continues to dominate the news, he can play the ‘us vs them’ card when liberals disrupt his events and that serves as a rallying point for his candidacy.”

Even Vermont Sen Bernie Sanders, running for the Democratic presidenti­al nomination, has been troubled by protesters’ tactics, as well as by Trump’s response.



“In America, people have a right to hold rallies,” Sanders told MSNBC. “It is absolutely appropriat­e for thousands of people to protest at a Trump rally, but I am not a great fan of disrupting rallies.”

Trump engages the demonstrat­ors vigorously, mocking them, calling them bad people and sometimes feeding the anger of his supporters in the crowd.

The Phoenix demonstrat­ion followed one in Chicago the prior weekend, when hundreds of Trump foes flooded into the Chicago location of one of his rallies and Trump canceled the event and one in Ohio the following day, citing security concerns. That infuriated Trump backers, who blamed the demonstrat­ors.

“To me, it’s disgusting and insulting,” said Claudia Young, an Argentinia­n-born US citizen in Muncie, Indiana, who said she and her husband had arrived at the Dayton, Ohio, rally site at 6:30 a.m. after a 90-minute drive. “We’re supposed to have freedom of speech in this country, but the people who came to see Trump couldn’t listen to what they wanted to hear.”

In Arizona, activists gathered about 3 miles (5 kilometers) from the site of the Trump rally, along one of two roads that wind through the mountains north of Phoenix into central Fountain Hills. The protesters — mainly a coalition of local immigrant rights groups who have a long history of demonstrat­ions against Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was speaking at the rally — then maneuvered their cars across the intersecti­on. Three were arrested, and many Trump supporters had to walk to the rally or missed it.

Carlos Garcia of Puente, one of the immigrant rights groups, said demonstrat­ors handed out water bottles to Trump supporters and did not want to antagonize them.

“I hope people see beyond their two-hour inconvenie­nce,” he said, adding that activists were motivated by the support Trump has drawn from Arpaio and former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer. “Their rhetoric,” he said of that duo, “turned into policies that destroyed thousands of families, and we see Trump trying to go national with it. People are willing to put their bodies on the line to keep their families together.”

When Garcia and other demonstrat­ors made it to the park where Trump was holding his rally they were met with jeers and cries from Trump supporters gathered on the hillside, outside the fenced-off perimeter where the event was occurring. “Learn to speak English!” one person yelled at the protesters. “Gotta get off the welfare check,” called another.

The demonstrat­ors chanted back: “Stop the hate!” Despite some heated scrums, no fights broke out and eventually the candidate finished and protesters and supporters alike trickled away.

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