Arab Times

Trump wins Republican nomination

Billionair­e businessma­n protesters, supporters clash


WASHINGTON, May 26, (Agencies): US Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump has reached the number of delegates needed to secure the party’s presidenti­al nomination, the Associated Press reported on Thursday, citing its own delegate count.

Billionair­e businessma­n Donald Trump has reached the number of delegates needed to clinch the Republican nomination for president. Trump, the only remaining GOP candidate left in the race, will go on to accept the nomination at the party’s national convention in Cleveland.

Trump returned to California on Wednesday, where he predicted he would win wide support among a diverse group, including Hispanics, Asians and women, while he said that a Hillary Clinton presidency would mean “nothing but turmoil.”

After his speech at the Anaheim Convention Center, protesters got into shouting arguments with some Trump backers. Anti-Trump demonstrat­ors, some with bandannas covering their faces, shouted “F-- Trump” as his supporters tried to surround them and drown them out with shouts of “USA. USA.”

There was a heavy police and security presence at the convention center and the surroundin­g hotels and streets, including dozens of officers in riot gear, to try to minimize clashes. At about 2 pm, about 45 minutes after Trump spoke, authoritie­s in a police helicopter warned demonstrat­ors to disburse for unlawful assembly or face arrest. Police said that at least eight people were arrested.

At one point Trump supporters, gathered at a convention center parking garage, chanted at demonstrat­ors who were on the streets. Shouts of “Donald Trump has got to go!” were met with “Hey, hey, go home.”

“Without immigratio­n, Donald Trump wouldn’t have so many wives,” shouted one man holding an antiTrump sign. There was some expletive filled graffiti anti-Trump sprayed along the I-5 freeway, several miles north of the convention center.

Protesters also gathered on Hollywood Boulevard, where Trump was to tape an appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” to air on Wednesday evening. He also is attending a $25,000-perperson fundraiser at the Santa Monica home of real estate investor Thomas Barrack, in his first high-dollar event of his campaign. Police closed off portions of San Vicente Boulevard, fearing protests there.

Inside the arena in Anaheim, there were three instances where demonstrat­ors were kicked out, as Trump, as he has done at past events, mocked the disruptor. “Do not hurt him,” Trump said as one man was escorted out. “I say that for the TV cameras, but he’s a very bad person.”

Trump singled out groups in the crowd like Chinese Americans for Trump and a man holding a sign that said “Latinos for Trump.”

“I love that,” he said, adding, “By the way, you came here legally.”

He said that it also helped that he settled a lawsuit against Univision, which he filed last year after the broadcaste­r dropped its telecast of the Miss Universe Pageant, which Trump then owned.

Hispanics, he said, “are going to vote for me like crazy.”

The news on Wednesday that the State Department’s Inspector General found fault with Clinton’s use of a private email server got just a short mention of criticism from Trump, but he got cheers when he said that she was “not equipped” to run for president and had shown “bad judgment.”

He brought up the attacks on the American consulate in Benghazi, claiming that Clinton was not up for the overnight phone calls for help when she was Secretary of State. There were “hundreds and hundreds of emails and calls and she kept sleeping,” he said.

Clinton’s campaign tweeted, “Donald Trump is fueling conspiracy theories out on the campaign trail. Can you imagine that in the Situation Room?”

Trump said he may end up running against “Crazy Bernie,” referring to Bernie Sanders.

Trump said that his campaign would “make a big play for California” in the general election, even though a Republican had not won the state since 1988.

Some of Trump’s biggest cheers came when he talked about building a wall along the US-Mexican border, eliciting chants from the crowd of “Build That Wall.” It was clear that illegal immigratio­n was a big issue for many who came to the rally. Speakers before Trump included members of the Remembranc­e Project, a group of relatives of victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

Trump’s speech, lasting nearly an hour, was less a list of policy prescripti­ons than a narrative of how he and his campaign got to where it is.

As he has in past events, Trump went through a number of names of detractors, like conservati­ve pundit Bill Kristol and 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney (who he said “walks like a penguin”). They are among the conservati­ves who continue their criticism of Trump even though he is the presumptiv­e nominee. He noted that Jeb Bush had bashed him in an interview he gave to a European TV outlet, perhaps thinking, Trump surmised, that he wouldn’t hear about it. He did.

Trump predicted Bush would come around to support him.

“He’ll get a burst of energy and he will do it.”

Trump again called Sen Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) “Pocahontas,” and said of her, “She’s got a big mouth and that’s about it.”

Jay Ding, 42, a native of China who has lived in Eagle Rock for 10 years, said she was impressed by Trump’s business background. Carrying a Chinese Americans for Trump sign, she said that she found herself in agreement with Trump on issues of the imbalance with trade with China, which he pins on poor US negotiatio­n. “Hey, it is our leaders’ fault, not the Chinese leaders’ fault,” Trump said.

“We need somebody to speak for us, not to speak for the big corporatio­ns,” Ding said, noting Clinton’s ties to Wall Street. “He’s not a member of the establishm­ent. People are tired of that.”

Trump also took aim at companies that move factories and operations to Mexico, and says that as president he would ensure that the firms would face a 35 percent tax if they sought to sell their goods in the US.

Dylan Jensen, 17, of Huntington Beach, is a senior in high school, will be eligible to vote on Election Day and plans to cast a ballot for Trump. “He gets stuff done,” he said.

Even as Romney and House Speaker Paul Ryan withhold their support, there were some at the Trump rally who backed other candidates and now are ready to back the GOP’s presumptiv­e nominee.

Adam D. Smith, 39, an accountant from Tampa, Fla., was in Anaheim for a conference and decided to take a break and attend the rally.

 ??  ?? Police force protesters down a street, away from Trump supporters jeering from a parking structure, near a campaign rally by presumptiv­e GOP presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump at the Anaheim
Convention Center on May 25, in Anaheim, California.
Police force protesters down a street, away from Trump supporters jeering from a parking structure, near a campaign rally by presumptiv­e GOP presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump at the Anaheim Convention Center on May 25, in Anaheim, California.
 ??  ?? Donald Trump stands for the Pledge of Allegiance before speaking at a rally on May 25 in Anaheim, California.
Donald Trump stands for the Pledge of Allegiance before speaking at a rally on May 25 in Anaheim, California.

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