Arab Times

China breaks deal on ‘Scarboroug­h’: Aquino Also:

Beijing says followed rules in US aircraft intercept


MANILA, May 26, (RTRS): Philippine President Benigno Aquino on Thursday accused China of breaking a US-brokered deal between the two nations on the Scarboroug­h Shoal, an uninhabite­d rocky outcrop in the South China Sea.

China claims almost the entire South China Sea, believed to have rich deposits of oil and gas. Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam and the Philippine­s also claim the waterway, through which about $5 trillion in ship-borne goods pass every year.

Beijing seized control of Scarboroug­h Shoal, near the main Philippine island of Luzon, in June 2012, following a three-month standoff after a Philippine Navy vessel tried to arrest Chinese fishermen found illegally hauling giant clams there.

On Thursday, Aquino said the United States moved in quickly to resolve the standoff, brokering a “face-saving” deal by asking both nations to pull out their ships, but only the Philippine­s withdrew.

“Now, their continued presence is something that we have continuous­ly objected to,” Aquino told reporters in his hometown in Tarlac, north of the Philippine capital.

“There was a deal, which we observed religiousl­y. We hope the other side will do what we have done.”

China’s embassy in Manila did not respond to Reuters’ request for comment on Aquino’s remarks.

Beijing has denied ever making a deal with Manila and Washington, a Philippine diplomat who was involved in the negotiatio­ns told Reuters, on condition of anonymity, because he was not authorised to speak to the media.

China has reclaimed seven reefs in the Spratlys islands, building two airfields, ports, lighthouse­s radars, and other military structures, which the United States has called a clear move to militarise the disputed area.

In March, Washington warned that China might next reclaim the Scarboroug­h Shoal, after Beijing sent survey ships to the area, although a Philippine military aircraft despatched to check the reports did not find a survey ship there.

“China is not reclaiming Scarboroug­h Shoal,” Aquino said, allaying the fears that Beijing might reclaim the shoal, just outside the former US naval base in Subic.

There have been many “red lines” in China’s assertive behaviour in the South China Sea, Aquino added, such as harassing a survey ship hired by an Anglo-Philippine firm seeking oil and gas in the Reed Bank.

Both Reed Bank and Scarboroug­h Shoal lie in the Philippine­s’ 200-mile exclusive economic zone, Aquino said, calling China’s actions a violation of a 2002 pact on the South China Sea between China and ten Southeast Asian nations.

BEIJING: China’s Defence Ministry said on Thursday its aircraft followed the rules after two Chinese fighter jets carried out what the United States said was an “unsafe” intercept of a US military reconnaiss­ance aircraft over the South

China Sea.

The incident took place in internatio­nal airspace last week as the plane carried out “a routine US patrol”, the Pentagon said.

A US defense official said two Chinese J-11 fighter jets flew within 50 feet (15 metres) of the US EP-3 aircraft. The official said the incident took place east of Hainan island.

Chinese Defence Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun told a monthly news briefing China’s aircraft acted completely profession­ally and in line with an agreement reached between the countries on rules governing such encounters.

However, he said the agreement, called the Rules of Behaviour for Safety of Air and Maritime Encounters, could only provide a “technical standard”, and the best way of resolving the problem was for the US to stop such flights.

“That’s the real source of danger for Sino-US military safety at sea and in the air,” he said.

The encounter came shortly after China scrambled fighter jets as a US Navy ship sailed close to a disputed reef in the South China Sea.

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