Arab Times

Hindu shop owner hacked to death

Police suspect Islamists of murder


DHAKA, May 26, (Agencies): Bangladesh police said Thursday they suspect local Islamists may have murdered a one-legged Hindu shop owner who was hacked to death outside his store, the latest in a wave of killings of liberals and religious minorities.

Police had initially said Wednesday’s killing of 60-year-old Debesh Chandra Pramanik appeared to be part of a long-running dispute between him and another Hindu who was later arrested.

But a top officer said the focus was now on local militants, rejecting a claim by the Islamic State (IS) group that it was behind the attack in the northern Gaibandha district.

Pramanik was the ninth person to be hacked to death in similar circumstan­ces in Bangladesh since early April.

District police chief Ashrfaul Islam said the fatal stabbing bore similariti­es to previous attacks by Jamayetul Mujahidden Bangladesh (JMB) which is also suspected of murdering another Hindu businessma­n in Gaibandha in February.

“We suspect that members of JMB may have killed him,” Islam told AFP.

Islam said Pramanik’s neck had been hacked by his killers, without saying how many people were involved in the attack which took place as he opened his store at daybreak.

Although no one from JMB has so far been arrested, police said an operation had been launched to detain local followers.

“We’ve launched raids in the area,” Islam said.

The attack comes amid a wave of murders of liberals, secular activists and religious minorities by suspected Islamist militants in Bangladesh.

Police say around 40 people have been killed by homegrown Islamists in the past three years, and there has been a spike in attacks in recent weeks.


A homeopathi­c doctor was hacked to death with machetes on Friday, less than a week after a Buddhist monk was slaughtere­d in a similar manner.

An atheist student, two gay rights activists, a liberal professor, a Hindu tailor and a Sufi Muslim leader have also been murdered since last month Affiliate Although IS and al-Qaeda’s local affiliate have claimed responsibi­lity for most of the murders, authoritie­s have consistent­ly poured cold water on their claims.

Police and Pramanik’s family had initially blamed a heroin addict for Wednesday’s murder, saying the attack was sparked by the victim’s refusal to pay extortion money.

IS later claimed responsibi­lity for the murder through its Amaq news agency, according to the SITE monitoring group.

Bangladesh’s secular government has repeatedly insisted that internatio­nal Islamist groups have no presence in the country and instead blames its domestic opponents.

Hindus, the country’s largest religious minority, make up nearly 10 percent of Bangladesh’s 160 million people.

Islamic State claimed responsibi­lity for stabbing an elderly Hindu businessma­n to death in Bangladesh, monitoring service SITE said on Wednesday, in what would be the second killing by the militant group in the country in less than a week.

The Muslim-majority South Asian nation has witnessed a surge in Islamist violence in the past year in which members of religious minorities, liberal activists, academics and foreign aid workers have been killed.

The government has denied that Islamic State or al-Qaeda groups have a presence in the country of 160 million and says home-grown Islamists are responsibl­e for the wave of attacks.

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam told Reuters in an interview published earlier on Wednesday that Islamic State was trying to ride a wave of religious radicalisa­tion by falsely claiming killings, adding there was enough evidence implicatin­g domestic militant groups.

Since February last year, at least 27 people, including five secular bloggers, a publisher and two gay right campaigner­s, have died in attacks linked to militant groups.

Islamic State has claimed 18 of the attacks since its first claim in September last year and al-Qaeda most of the rest, according to SITE.

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