Arab Times

Duterte snubs proclamati­on as president

Davao new ‘power centre’


MANILA, May 30, (Agencies): Rodrigo Duterte snubbed his proclamati­on as the next Philippine president on Monday, reinforcin­g his image as a maverick outsider intent on challengin­g the nation’s political establishm­ent.

A joint session of the House of Representa­tives and the Senate in Manila endorsed the official count of this month’s election, which saw the trashtalki­ng politician who revels in threats to kill criminals win by more than six million votes.

Duterte declined to attend the nationally televised event, preferring to remain more than 900 kilometres (560 miles) away in his southern hometown of Davao that he has ruled as mayor for most of the past two decades and he admits is his comfort zone.

“I am not attending the proclamati­on. I’ve never attended any proclamati­on (in) all my life,” Duterte, who will be sworn into office on June 30, told reporters on the weekend.

Duterte, 71, won the elections largely due to an incendiary law-and-order platform headlined by a vow to wipe out crime within six months.

He pledged to give security forces shoot-to-kill orders, and vowed that tens of thousands of criminals would die. Since the election Duterte has continued to encourage police to kill drug suspects, and said he would bring back the death penalty.

Another key message of Duterte’s campaign was his pledge to take on the nation’s political and economic elite, selling himself as an explosive political outsider that could shake up a power structure overseeing one of Asia’s biggest rich-poor divides.

Duterte railed against the elites and promised to fight for the poor, despite having created his own political dynasty in Davao and his own vice presidenti­al running mate coming from one of the nation’s richest families.

Since the elections, Duterte has refused to travel to Manila and promised to remain in Davao until he assumes the presidency.

This has forced politician­s, powerbroke­rs, business leaders and courtiers to fly to Davao for an audience.

In further blows for so-called “Imperial Manila”, Duterte has named many politician­s from the southern Philippine­s to cabinet posts.

Duterte has also repeatedly expressed his disdain for spending time in Manila, describing it last week as a “dead city” overrun by slums.

He also said he planned to spend as little time as president in the capital as possible, and that he hoped to be able to fly each day to and from Davao.

Duterte’s absence at the Manila ceremony on Monday delivered a message that he would not be beholden to lawmakers, said Ramon Casiple, executive director of the Institute of Political and Economic Reforms.

“As a symbolism he simply doesn’t want to be confined by Congress,” Casiple told AFP.

However even some of Duterte’s supporters were disappoint­ed that Duterte shunned such an important date on the Philippine­s’ democratic calendar.

“We tried to convince him to change his mind but unfortunat­ely, he did not,” Vitaliano Aguirre, who Duterte has named as the next justice minister, told CNN Philippine­s television, while warning it was a sign of things to come.

“I can assure you this is not the only thing that’s going to change.”

At Monday’s ceremonies in Manila, Leni Robredo was also declared the winner of the vice presidenti­al election, narrowly edging out Ferdinand Marcos Jnr, the son and namesake of the late Philippine dictator.

Robredo, a member of Aquino’s Liberal Party, climbed to the dais with her three daughters and raised her hands in victory alongside the House of Representa­tives’ speaker and the Senate president.

But in anti-climactic scenes, the house speaker then congratula­ted Duterte and, with no-one there to accept, the Senate president quietly declared the session over.

In the Philippine­s, presidents and vice presidents are elected separately. The constituti­on limits them to serving a single term of six years.

“There’s a tinge of nervousnes­s,” Robredo told reporters earlier. “But maybe it’s more of excitement that I’m being given a rare chance to make a difference.”

Monday’s proclamati­on cements the stunning political rise of Duterte, 71, who won on an audacious promise to eradicate crime and corruption within six months as president. The pledge resonated among many crime-weary Filipinos, although police officials have said it is impossible to accomplish, noting that crime continues to hound Davao city, where the president-elect has served as mayor on and off for more than 22 years.

Human rights groups have expressed alarm over Duterte, who they suspect instigated extrajudic­ial killings of many crime suspects by motorcycle-riding gunmen dubbed the Davao death squads. The suspicions have been bolstered by Duterte’s public threats to kill drug dealers and other criminals.

Robredo, 52, is a former rights lawyer who helped defend the rural poor in her home province of Camarines Sur southeast of Manila. A year after her husband, a popular reformist politician, died in a plane crash in 2012, she was reluctantl­y thrust into politics with a successful run for a seat in the House of Representa­tives.

 ?? (AP/AFP) ?? Philippine senators and congressme­n gather for a joint session to proclaim the winning president and vice-president following the official canvass in a record time on May 30 at the House of Representa­tives in suburban Quezon city, northeast of Manila,...
(AP/AFP) Philippine senators and congressme­n gather for a joint session to proclaim the winning president and vice-president following the official canvass in a record time on May 30 at the House of Representa­tives in suburban Quezon city, northeast of Manila,...

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