Arab Times

Third of coral ‘dying’ in Barrier Reef

Global warming blamed for mass bleaching


SYDNEY, May 30, (Agencies): At least 35 percent of corals in parts of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef are dead or dying from mass bleaching caused by global warming, scientists said Monday.

The assessment was made following months of aerial and underwater surveys after the worst bleaching in recorded history first became evident in March as sea temperatur­es rise.

Global warming was wreaking havoc on the World Heritage-listed site, said Terry Hughes, director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at the James Cook University.

“We found on average, that 35 percent of the corals are now dead or dying on 84 reefs that we surveyed along the northern and central sections of the Great Barrier Reef, between Townsville and Papua New Guinea,” he said in a statement.

“This is the third time in 18 years that the Great Barrier Reef has experience­d mass bleaching due to global warming, and the current event is much more extreme than we’ve measured before.”

At least a decade is needed for the coral to recover, “but it will take much longer to regain the largest and oldest corals that have died”, the joint statement from three leading universiti­es said.

The reef is already under pressure from farming run-off, developmen­t, the coral-eating crown-of-thorns starfish, along with the impacts of climate change.

Researcher­s from James Cook said in April that 93 percent of the 2,300-kilometre (1,429-mile) long site — the world’s biggest coral ecosystem — had been affected by the mass bleaching event.

Bleaching occurs when abnormal environmen­tal conditions, such as warmer sea temperatur­es, cause corals to expel tiny photosynth­etic algae, draining them of their colour.

The impact was less severe in the southern parts of the reef as water temperatur­es were “closer to the normal (southern hemisphere) summer conditions”, the scientists said.


Although fewer corals have died in the south, the stress from bleaching is likely to temporaril­y slow down their reproducti­on and growth rates, they added.

The phenomenon has also damaged corals off Australia’s west coast, with “extensive and patchy” bleaching and mortality.

“On the Kimberley coast where I work, up to 80 percent of the corals are severely bleached, and at least 15 percent have died already,” the University of Western Australia’s Verena Schoepf said.

The Australian Marine Conservati­on Society urged officials to heed calls to do more to save the reef.

“The federal government must release a climate policy that makes a credible contributi­on to delivering a healthy future for our natural wonder,” said spokeswoma­n Imogen Zethoven.

“The alternativ­e is we risk losing the reef, the A$6 billion ($4.3 billion) tourism industry and the 69,000 jobs that rely on it.”

The government insists it is doing “more than ever before” to protect the reef, and Environmen­t Minister Greg Hunt on Monday said it had invested A$460 million in efforts to help the reef since being elected in 2013. He said the government had worked hard to protect the reef and had been recognised by the World Heritage committee as a “global role model”.

“Only a couple of years ago they were looking at declaring, under Labor and the Greens, the reef in danger,” he said, ahead of national polls on July 2.

Last week the environmen­t department admitted that it pressured the United Nations to remove all references to Australia from a report on climate change and its impact of World Heritage sites, including the Barrier Reef.

It claimed negative commentary impacted tourism, sparking outrage from activists who accused Canberra of “trying to pull wool over Australian­s’ eyes about serious threats to the future of our greatest natural wonder”.


Storms have previously proven very helpful for heat-stressed reefs, Eakin said. In 2005, for instance, the quick succession of Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita cooled the waters below as they passed over Florida, sparing the Florida Keys from a serious coral bleaching event affecting the Caribbean.

Experiment­al approaches to the bleaching dilemma have included attempts to lower water temperatur­es by using shades to cover corals, Eakin said. But such efforts require massive amounts of preparatio­n and can only be done in small areas, Eakin said. Other solutions may lie in finding ways to minimize additional stressors to the already fragile reef.

“Anything you can do to reduce the level of injury and stress coming from other sources, the better the chance that the corals are going to survive,” Eakin said. “Those reefs that have recovered after events like this are the ones that are the most protected, least visited and least disturbed.”

Last year, the United Nations’ heritage body expressed concern about the state of the Great Barrier Reef and urged Australia to boost its conservati­on efforts.

Following the release of the bleaching report on Monday, Australian politician­s — who are in the midst of an election campaign — jumped on the issue, with the opposition Labor Party pledging to create a $500 million fund for better management and research of the reef. Environmen­t Minister Greg Hunt, meanwhile, announced that if his party is re-elected, the government would invest $6 million to helping combat the crown-of-thorns starfish, which feast on coral.

 ?? (AFP) ?? An undated handout photo received on May 30, 2016, shows dead coral in shallow waters at Cygnet Bay in Western Australia.
(AFP) An undated handout photo received on May 30, 2016, shows dead coral in shallow waters at Cygnet Bay in Western Australia.

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