Arab Times

Hollywood golden age alive and kicking

Retirement home keeps showbiz memories alive


LOS ANGELES, May 30, (AFP): Johnny Weissmulle­r was said to walk the grounds of this retirement home letting out his trademark Tarzan yell.

Another resident wistfully recalls missing out on a date with Marilyn Monroe, while a third has stories about “Walt” or “Frank” — that is Walt Disney or Frank Sinatra.

Hollywood’s golden age may be long gone but it’s still very much alive and kicking at this retirement community north of Los Angeles, where a who’s who of the industry reside.

Here, you can meet a set director who worked on “Doctor Zhivago” or “Mutiny on the Bounty”, a film researcher who worked on “Star Trek,” “Chinatown” and “Fiddler on the Roof,” or a 103-year old actress who knew Sinatra and recently auditioned for a horror flick.

“The people here have done every kind of job you can imagine associated with film and television,” said Bob Beitcher, president and CEO of the Motion Picture and Television Fund (MPTF), which runs the home located in Woodland Hills.

“You have everything from publicists, to animators to character actors to directors, writers, wardrobe, costume, hair and makeup.”

Founded in 1921 by cinema pioneers Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks, D.W. Griffith and Mary Pickford, the MPTF’s mission was initially focused on helping stars unable to

for the bourgeoisi­e. Somebody’s turning in his grave tonight. (RTRS)


Snapchat didn’t just file make the transition from silent film to ‘talkies.’


The charitable organizati­on began with coin boxes that were placed at the studios, where actors could drop spare change to help industry profession­als who often worked as freelancer­s and had no job protection.

Nearly a century later, the MPTF continues to take care of its own through donations, albeit on a much bigger scale, with the likes of George Clooney, Kirk Douglas and Steven Spielberg lending their support.

“No other industry in the world has done something like this and this is what makes it so remarkable,” Beitcher said.

“People who work in the industry are like gypsies,” he added. “They move from place to place, uproot their families to move to Louisiana, to New York or to Europe ... and many do physical labor on a film or TV set that is hard on them.”

About half of the 165 residents at the retirement home pay for their room and board, which ranges from $3,400 to $6,100 a month, and the Fund pays for the other half unable to afford the cost.

Though a few of the retirees on the sprawling 40-acre campus are wellknown in the industry, the majority are cast and crew members who spent their careers working quietly behind the scenes and never got on-screen billing.

Steven Kohler, 87, can make your head spin as he ticks off the names of some of the greats he rubbed shoulders with during his long career as a set dresser.


“Oh yeah, the crew would all sit together for lunch sometimes during filming,” he said, recalling his time on the set of the 1965 epic drama “Doctor Zhivago”, starring Omar Sharif and Julie Christie.

Marlon Brando, whom Kohler got to know during filming of the 1962 historical drama “Mutiny on the Bounty,” was nothing more than a kind-hearted gentleman, he says.

“The bigger they were, the more friendly they were,” said Kohler, sitting in his impeccably decorated cottage at the retirement home, where he moved nearly five years ago.

“Brando was very generous. He helped people without anybody knowing.”

Fellow resident Robert Mirisch, 77, whose family ran the Mirisch Company, one of Hollywood’s top independen­t production companies in the 1960s, for his part likes to recall his missed date with Marilyn Monroe.

He had met Monroe during filming of the romantic comedy “Some Like it Hot,” produced by his family’s company, and ended up being invited to accompany the sultry star to the movie’s premiere in New York.

striking: Snapchat may already have more daily active users than Twitter.

The pitch deck, which was obtained by Techcrunch this week, shows that Snapchat had 110 million daily active users in

Only problem was that he had plans to visit his ailing father at the time and politely said ‘no.’

“So I’m the guy who turned down a date with Marilyn Monroe and my father had the gall to live numbers of years after that,” jokes Mirisch, who was an entertainm­ent industry attorney and who bears an uncanny resemblanc­e to Bob Hope.

But living at the retirement home is not all about showbiz memories, playing poker or doing laps at the pool donated by Jodie Foster.

A number of the retirees put their creative talents to use at the community’s in-house TV station where they produce original programmin­g — including a comedy called “Law and Disorder,” documentar­ies and game shows — that is mixed with Hollywood movies and sitcom reruns.

“Channel 22 proved creativity doesn’t end when you are 65,” Beitcher said.

Some of the residents, such as 103-year-old Connie Sawyer, also still work profession­ally and are not ready to call it quits.

Sawyer, whose filmograph­y includes a role in “A Hole in the Head,” starring Frank Sinatra, as well as dozens of other movies and television series, last year appeared in a Super Bowl commercial and just recently auditioned for a horror movie.

“I’m still waiting to hear from them if I got the role,” she says.

December of 2015. Unfortunat­ely, Twitter stopped releasing metrics for daily active users some time ago, instead focusing on monthly active users.

However, Twitter CFO Anthony Noto said earlier in 2015 that the company’s ratio for daily actives vs. monthly actives was 44 percent, meaning that slightly less than half of the company’s monthly active users returned to the service every day. ( A Twitter spokespers­on denied that the 44 percent ratio is currently accurate, but declined to provide any additional details on daily actives. “We don’t report DAUs on a regular basis,” she said.) (RTRS)


Torrential rain has dashed hopes in Romania of setting a Guinness Book world record for Greece’s famous sirtaki dance.

Romanians were attempting to break the world record for the dance made famous in the 1964 movie “Zorba the Greek” before a storm struck this Black Sea port on Saturday.

Organizers declared the attempt a washout, then had a change of heart and called people back to the beach in the port, 250 kms (156 miles) east of Bucharest. The current world sirtaki record was set in Volos, Greece, in 2012 when 5,614 people danced.

Organizers in Romania claim more than 6,000 people took part in Saturday’s recordbrea­king attempt. Guinness representa­tive Seyda Sibasi Gemici declared the attempt invalid, however, saying it had become too dark to do an accurate count. (AP)

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