Arab Times

Holes in GOP ground game in key states

Reinforcem­ent sought to keep pace with Clinton


COLUMBUS, Ohio, July 12, (AP): Presidenti­al battlegrou­nd states were supposed to be swarming with Republican Party workers by now.

“We’ve moved on to thousands and thousands of employees,” party chairman Reince Priebus declared in March, contrastin­g that with the GOP’s late-blooming staffing four years earlier. “We are covering districts across this country in ways that we’ve never had before.”

That hasn’t exactly happened, a state-by-state review conducted by The Associated Press has found.

With early voting beginning in less than three months in some states, the review reveals that the national GOP has delivered only a fraction of the ground forces detailed in discussion­s with state leaders earlier in the year. And that is leaving anxious local officials waiting for reinforcem­ents to keep pace with Democrat Hillary Clinton in the states that matter most in 2016.

To be sure, the national party actually has notched record levels of fundraisin­g over the past few years and put together a much more robust ground game than it had in 2012. But officials acknowledg­e the real competitio­n isn’t with their past results or the chronicall­y cash-strapped Democratic Party. It’s Clinton and what GOP chairman Priebus calls “that machine” of Clinton fundraisin­g.

Some examples of Republican shortfalls: Ohio Republican­s thought they were going to see 220 paid staffers by May; in reality there are about 50. Plans for Pennsylvan­ia called for 190 paid staffers; there are about 60. Iowa’s planned ground force of 66 by May actually numbers between 25 and 30. In Colorado, recent staff departures have left about two dozen employees, far short of the 80 that were to have been in place.

AP learned of the specific May staffing aims from Republican­s who were briefed earlier this year; the RNC did not dispute them. Current totals came from interviews with local GOP leaders over the past two weeks.

The gulf between what state leaders thought they could count on and what they’ve actually got comes as the RNC’s ground game is asked to do more than ever before. Presumptiv­e nominee Donald Trump is relying on the party to do most of the nuts-and-bolts work of finding and persuading voters in the nation’s most competitiv­e battlegrou­nds.

“This is a race we should win,” Ohio GOP chairman Matt Borges said, citing a voter registrati­on boom. “Now, we have to put the people in the field.”

In New Hampshire, a swing state that also features one of the nation’s most competitiv­e Senate contests, the Republican National Committee’s original plan called for more than 30 paid staff on the ground by May. Yet what’s happening there highlights that even when the RNC is close to meeting its staffing goals, there can be problems. In this case, 20 positions have been converted to part-time, and local officials have been struggling to fill them.

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