Arab Times

Up to 50,000 hit by Turkey purge

Academics banned from travel


ANKARA, July 20, (AFP): Turkey faced fresh accusation­s it was flouting the rule of law with its purge of 50,000 people after an attempted coup, as the president gathered security chiefs Wednesday for the first time since the putsch.

But the purge has sparked an outpouring of global concern with German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman saying: “nearly every day we are seeing new measures that flout the rule of law and that disregard the principle of proportion­ality.”

The putsch left more than 300 dead and caused scenes of devastatio­n, especially in Ankara where raids by fighter jets and attack helicopter­s turned parts of parliament and the police headquarte­rs to rubble.

The president returned to the capital late Tuesday for the first time since the coup and chaired meetings of his national security council, composed of top military brass and security ministers, and the cabinet, at his presidenti­al palace.

Erdogan was in the Aegean resort of Marmaris when the coup struck and then, narrowly escaping the rebel soldiers, flew to Istanbul where he had stayed since, appearing before crowds of flag-waving supporters each night in “vigils” for democracy.

He told supporters in Istanbul on Monday that “an important decision” would be announced after the security meeting, without specifying — fuelling fears that the government may impose even tougher security measures.

About 9,300 people have been detained, including 118 generals and admirals accused of treason for allegedly mastermind­ing the plot as well as soldiers, police and judges.

The number of state education ministry personnel suspended has risen by some 6,000 to nearly 22,000, according to reports Wednesday.

Also, 21,000 people working in private education will have their licences removed and banned from teaching in the future. Even the sports ministry has dismissed 245 personnel.

Turkey’s higher education council also banned academics from work trips abroad and urged those overseas to return home quickly.

The moves amplified internatio­nal concern Erdogan was using the coup plot as a pretext to crack down on opponents, with Turkey’s Western allies urging the authoritie­s in the

strategic NATO state to obey the rule of law.

Erdogan’s suggestion that the death penalty could be reinstated has sent shockwaves through Europe, with the EU warning such a move would be the nail in the coffin of Turkey’s already embattled bid to join the bloc.

Ankara says the coup was mastermind­ed by US-based preacher Fethullah Gulen and the massive crackdown appears to be targeting individual­s suspected of any connection to Erdogan’s ally-turned-foe.

Turkey accuses Gulen of running a

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