Arab Times

Ambassador hails co-op with Italy

Sheikh Ali receives shooting team


ROME, July 20, (KUNA): Kuwaiti Ambassador to Italy Sheikh Ali Al-Khaled Al-Sabah hailed the level of coopertion between Kuwait and Italy in the fields of Shooting Sport and the achievemen­t of Kuwaiti shooters in internatio­nal arenas.

The statements were made during the ambassador’s reception of the Kuwaiti shooting team on the occasion of concluding its training at Umbriaverd­e facility in Todi city, central Italy and its participat­ion in the Clay Shooting tourney.

He added that Kuwaiti shooters achieved advanced levels in this sport, thanks to the attention given by various state institutio­ns in sports and youth, sides the care rendered by His Highness the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah.

His Highness the Amir’s Grand Prix was held for the second year with the participat­ion of over 300 internatio­nal shooters from 50 countries.

The event was sponsored by the Italian Shooting Federation and Kuwait Petroleum Italia (Q8), in cooperatio­n with Kuwait Embassy.

He also hailed the hospitalit­y extended by President of the Italian Shooting Federation Luciano Rossi and the big success of His Highness the Amir’s Shooting Grand Prix.

For his part, Chairman of the Arab Shooting Union and Kuwait Shooting Sport Federation Duaij Khalaf Al-Otaibi praised efforts of Acting Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah and Kuwait’s Ambassador for their sponsorshi­p of the tourney.

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Essam Al-Awadhi was...
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