Arab Times

Explosions hit Syrian town

Film shows Syria rebels beheading boy: monitor


BEIRUT/AMMAN, July 20, (Agencies): Syrian rebels and a monitoring group said two explosions that struck a Syrian town near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights on Wednesday were caused by an Israeli air strike but Lebanon’s Hezbollah blamed rocket fire by al-Qaedalinke­d militants.

At least one blast struck near the governorat­e building in Baath City, capital of the southern province of Quneitra which borders the Golan region.

The town is held by pro-Syrian government forces, including the army and Hezbollah fighters. The Nusra Front, Western-backed rebels, and groups which have pledged allegiance to Islamic State also operate in the region.

A Syrian military source said two rockets had hit the town but their origin was unknown. “There is informatio­n that there was a rocket which fell on one of a government headquarte­rs in Quneitra in the area of the town of Baath,” he said.

Two Syrian rebels said an Israeli jet had been seen circling the area and carried out an air strike on a military position.

“Our informatio­n is that the attack targeted a Hezbollah outpost,” said Maher al Ali, a spokesman for the Syrian Revolution­aries Front, a Western-backed rebel group.

The Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights monitoring group said an Israeli jet fired a rocket near the governorat­e building. It said it had no informatio­n on casualties.

Hezbollah said Nusra Front fired two rockets loaded with high explosives towards Baath City, causing civilian deaths. “The Israeli enemy was monitoring the launchpoin­t of the rockets next to the Nusra positions. There is no truth to (reports of) any raids by the Israeli enemy,” it said.

An Israeli military spokeswoma­n said:

A Syrian man carries a child who was retrieved under the rubble of a collapsed building following a reported air strike on the rebel-held neighbourh­ood of Sakhur in the northern city of Aleppo on July 19. Civilians in rebel-held parts of Syria’s Aleppo expressed fears on July 18, 2016 of a lengthy government siege, as food supplies dwindled after regime troops seized the only road into the city’s east. The government advance, which has been backed by a Russian air offensive,

is seen as a major setback for opposition forces in Syria’s second city. (AFP)

“We do not respond to reports of this kind.”

Though formally neutral on the civil war, Israel has targeted Hezbollah officials and arms convoys inside Syria several times during the conflict.

In January last year it carried out a helicopter attack in Quneitra province that killed a top Iranian Revolution­ary Guard general and several Hezbollah members including a son of the group’s late military commander, Jihad Mughniyeh.

Wednesday’s incident took place three days after Israel said it fired missiles towards an unmanned drone that briefly entered Israeli-controlled airspace from Syria.

The Golan Heights is a strategic plateau that Israel captured from Syria in the 1967 Middle East war, and annexed in a move that has not won internatio­nal recognitio­n.

Meanwhile, a video circulated on social media Tuesday depicts rebel fighters beheading a boy after capturing him north of Syria’s second city Aleppo, a monitor said.

The video shows the boy laying in the back of a truck when a fighter begins to cut off his head with a small knife.

One fighter shouts “we will leave no one in Handarat”, which is north of Aleppo city where there has been fighting between rebels and regime forces.

The Britain-based Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights confirmed that the video depicts rebel fighters.

In an earlier clip, the boy was sitting in the back of the truck with fighters around him accusing him with being a member of Al Quds brigade, a Palestinia­n group fighting with the regime forces.

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