Arab Times

African study exceeds UN test & treat goal

Bid to end HIV pandemic


NAIROBI, July 20, (RTRS): A UN goal to get seven out of 10 HIV positive people to take a test, start medication and suppress the deadly virus in their blood is achievable, a study in East Africa showed on Wednesday, raising hopes of ending the AIDS pandemic.

Almost 80,000 adults in Uganda and Kenya took part in the study, which used community campaigns, free testing and tests at home to encourage people to know their HIV status and get treatment.

After the interventi­on, 81 percent of people with HIV had an undetectab­le viral load, because they tested, initiated medication and adhered to it successful­ly, up from 45 percent two years earlier.

“It is very promising,” one of the lead researcher­s, Maya Petersen of the University of California, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

“We reached most HIV positive people in these communitie­s.”

UNAIDS, the UN agency dealing with the disease, has unveiled ambitious targets to tackle the epidemic.

By 2020, it wants 90 percent of people with HIV to know their status, 90 percent of diagnosed people to be on treatment, and 90 percent of those on treatment to have suppressed levels of the virus in their bodies. This translates to 73 percent of all people with HIV having an undetectab­le viral load.

Pointing to the results of the study in Uganda and Kenya, Petersen said it was possible to meet the 9090-90 UNAIDS targets within a relatively short period.

“Over two years ... communitie­s went from substantia­lly below the United Nations target to achieving it,” Petersen said by phone from Durban in South Africa where the results were released at the Internatio­nal AIDS Conference.

Scaling up HIV treatment in developing countries is of key concern to the experts meeting in South Africa.

Only 17 million of the 36.7 million HIV positive people around the world are taking antiretrov­iral treatment. New infections, at 2.1 million in 2015, still exceed the number of people starting antiretrov­iral treatment each year, Chris Beyrer, president of the Internatio­nal AIDS Society said. One of the main problems is that people do not know they are HIV positive because of the stigma around testing.

Researcher­s have tried to address this by setting up large tents in public spaces where people could get tested free of charge for malaria, hypertensi­on and diabetes as well as HIV, Petersen said.

By the shores of Lake Victoria, which has the highest prevalence rates in Kenya, tests were offered on the beach at night so that fishermen, who sleep during the day, could attend. Using a baseline household census, researcher­s then visited the homes of community members who had not come for testing and offered them a test.

Nearly half of those who tested newly positive started ART within a week, Petersen said, as they were introduced to and welcomed by local clinic staff immediatel­y.

HIV/AIDS is the main cause of death among 10- to 19-year-olds in Africa, UNAIDS says.

Yet young people proved to be one of the hardest groups to reach with testing and treatment, particular­ly students who move away from home to attend school and do not want their classmates to see them taking medication, the study found.

The second phase of the study will look at new ways of reaching such groups, Petersen said.

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