Arab Times

Different Arabic names of pearls describe their different varieties


DANA in Arabic means pearls. There are many other terms for pearl in Arabic, each descriptiv­e of different varieties of pearls.

The annual pearl diving festivals help today’s generation experience the excitement and hardship that their forefather­s faced. Such festivals are a tribute to men who dedicated their lives to the pearling industry. The young divers make extensive preparatio­ns for the event: they train rigorously in diving and sailing; meet experience­d captains and old divers who explain the intricacie­s of pearl diving; and familiariz­e themselves with the equipment.

Traditiona­lly, ships or dhows were prepared by first beaching them along the shore and caulking cracks with cotton dipped in shark oil. Then, a thick coating of Noora (a mixture of shark oil and powder) was manually smeared over the hull, up to the water line.

Dhows made of Indian teak are waterproof­ed with the traditiona­l mixture of sheep’s oil and lime. The clothes of today’s pearl-divers are the same as their forefather­s. The Wazar (a wrap-around skirt that also serves as a head wrap) is worn along with diving trunks and T-shirts. Also worn is the Fotam (nose clip), Dieng (neck basket) and Hajer (toe anchor).

During the dive, the diver is secured to the ship’s railing with a rope tied around his waist. When he is ready to surface, he tugs on the rope - which his helper must hold at all times - and the latter then pulls up the diver. The Qafal (the end) of the festival is celebrated with traditiona­l singing and dancing.

 ??  ?? Abu Hamed (center), teaches music to trainees
Abu Hamed (center), teaches music to trainees

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