Arab Times

Peru’s new president sworn in:



Pedro Pablo Kuczynski assumes Peru’s presidency Thursday with a Cabinet that shares his Ivy League, pro-business pedigree — a reliance on technocrat­s that could become a liability as he deals with an unfriendly congress and a resurgent left.

The conservati­ve Kuczynski has economics degrees from Oxford and Princeton and worked for decades on Wall Street and at the World Bank. His Cabinet reflects his preference for brains and the boardroom: It’s full of PhDs from foreign universiti­es and former captains of Peruvian industry.

“I can’t remember in the country’s history such a pro-business Cabinet,” said Francisco Durand, who teaches political science at Lima’s Catholic University.

But with Peru being a big, hard-togovern country with deep social divisions, analysts say the lack of political operators could become a problem for Kuczynski as he struggles to reverse an economic slowdown and build support beyond the capital’s elite. It doesn’t help that Peruvians call him the “gringo,” a reference to the US passport and accent he acquired while living abroad.

At 77, Kuczynski will be Peru’s oldest president. He was elected in a June runoff by the thinnest of margins, just 41,000 votes over Keiko Fujimori, the daughter of jailed former President Alberto Fujimori. His fledgling party secured just 18 of the 130 seats in congress while the populist Fujimori has a solid majority of 73 lawmakers. (AP)


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