Arab Times

Hundreds of Syrian troops advance in Aleppo

Russia proposes four humanitari­an corridors: UN


ALEPPO, Syria, Dec 1, (Agencies): Hundreds of elite Syrian troops moved into east Aleppo Thursday ahead of a push into the most densely populated areas, as regime ally Russia called for exit corridors to evacuate civilians.

Despite global criticism including the UN warning Aleppo risked becoming a “giant graveyard”, government forces have pressed an assault to retake control of the divided city.

The offensive — backed by artillery — has spurred an exodus of tens of thousands of residents from the rebelheld east.

The relentless barrage has left Aleppo’s streets strewn with the bodies of men, women and children, many lying next to the suitcases they had packed to escape.

Steady artillery fire could again be heard pounding rebel areas early Thursday, with heavy rainfall adding to the misery.

The assault has seen President Bashar al-Assad’s forces make significan­t gains in the last week.

After overrunnin­g the city’s northeast, they were in control of 40 percent of the territory once held by opposition forces in Aleppo, according to the Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights.

“The regime is tightening the noose on the remaining section of east Aleppo under rebel control,” Observator­y head Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP.

He said hundreds of fighters from the elite Republican Guard and Fourth Division arrived in Aleppo on Thursday “in preparatio­n for street battles” in the densely populated southeast.

“They are moving in on the ground, but they are afraid of ambushes because of the density of both residents and fighters,” he said.

The violence in Aleppo has sparked widespread outrage at the regime, but also at its steadfast supporter Moscow.

On Thursday, Russia proposed setting up four humanitari­an corridors into east Aleppo to bring in aid and evacuate severely wounded people.

Russia announced “they want to sit down in Aleppo with our people there to discuss how we can use the four (humanitari­an) corridors to evacuate people out,” Jan Egeland, head of the UN-backed humanitari­an taskforce for Syria, told reporters in Geneva.

He said Russia has pledged to respect the corridors, and that “we (the UN) now feel confident that the armed opposition groups will do the same.”

Moscow has announced several humanitari­an pauses in Aleppo to allow civilians to flee, but until the recent military escalation, only a handful did so.

In Turkey on Thursday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow had used every opportunit­y to help civilians, but accused rebels of threatenin­g “to prevent passage of humanitari­an convoys and fire on them.”

Russia was criticised at Wednesday’s UN Security Council meeting on Syria, with British ambassador Matthew Rycroft accusing Moscow of supporting “a deliberate act of starvation and a deliberate withholdin­g of medical care.”

Thick cloud cover and rain deterred air strikes on rebel-held districts of east Aleppo on Thursday, though artillery bombardmen­t and heavy fighting continued on the ground, a monitor and civil defence workers said.

Rebel groups are trying to prevent further gains by government forces that have seized more than a third of territory held by the opposition in Aleppo city in recent days.

The Syrian army and pro-government militias clashed with rebels along the edges of the shrinking opposition-held enclave, particular­ly in the Sheikh Saeed district in the south and in the east of city near the airport, it said.

The Syrian Observator­y for Human Rights, a Britain-based war monitor, said the weather impeded aerial bombardmen­t of rebel-held areas on Thursday, but artillery shelling continued.

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