Arab Times

Clean athletes still waiting for prize money from dopers

Doping disqualifi­cations wipe out years of results and earnings from past world champions


MOSCOW, Dec 1, (AP): Seven years after the race of her life at the world track and field championsh­ips, Olive Loughnane is still waiting for her prize money.

That’s because the first woman across the finish line in the 20-kilometer walk in Berlin in 2009 wasn’t the Irish athlete. It was Russia’s Olga Kaniskina, who was later banned for doping but hasn’t returned the gold medal or the $30,000 in cash owed to Loughnane.

“I’ve three young children,” Loughnane said. “They will be going to college. It’s not an insignific­ant amount. I didn’t earn anywhere near the amount of money as an athlete that would allow me to retire.”

Athletes who are beaten by doped competitor­s aren’t only robbed of a moment on the top step of the podium as their national anthem plays, they can also be deprived of large sums of money. In the cases of four Russian and Belarusian dopers who have not paid back prize money from events where they were later disqualifi­ed, The Associated Press has found that as much as $410,000 may be owed to dozens of athletes, with some debts going back over a decade.

The problem is expected to intensify with the increase in retesting of medal winners’ samples years after the competitio­n. About 100 athletes from various sports have had their results from the 2008 and 2012 Olympics annulled following new tests with improved techniques.

While the Olympics do not award prize money, doping disqualifi­cations usually trigger backdated bans wiping out years of results and earnings from past world championsh­ips and other events.

In track and field, the problem is particular­ly serious because the sport’s world governing body, the IAAF, insists it can only redistribu­te prize money if the athlete banned for doping pays it back first. However, the IAAF’s main weapon to compel dopers to pay back the money is an extension of their bans, which isn’t effective if the athletes plan to retire or have been banned for life.

In response to questions from the AP, the IAAF would not confirm how many doped athletes owe prize money or how much is owed in total, or how it tries to recover the cash. However, it said the issue was on the agenda as part of reform talks set for the IAAF congress this week in Monaco.

“We are already consulting the athletes commission and other members of the IAAF family on a viable system that would satisfy all parties. We are confident that the changes and proposals we are compiling will be reflected in the next IAAF Competitio­n Rules,” the IAAF said in a statement.

Seven years after her race against Kaniskina in Berlin, the long-sinceretir­ed Loughnane now compiles crime statistics for the Irish government. Meanwhile, Kaniskina is working as a sports official and may decide that, at the age of 31, it’s not worth paying back her winnings in order to race again, Russia’s top walking coach told Russian media this month. Kaniskina earned around $135,000 in prize money at events where she was later disqualifi­ed.

“She hasn’t definitely ended her career. She’s still thinking,” coach Nikolai Lukashkin told the R-Sport agency, adding that was also the case with another top Russian walker, Sergei Kirdyapkin, who is supposed to pay back a total of at least $90,000 from numerous wins at major competitio­ns after he was banned in 2015.

Former senior IAAF leaders have been accused of colluding with Russian officials to cover up doping or slow down cases, including those involving Kaniskina and Kirdyapkin. The IAAF banned its former treasurer and anti-doping head in January, as well as the son of former IAAF President Lamine Diack.

Citing those findings, some athletes argue the IAAF should make a onetime payment to clear prize money debts as a gesture of goodwill.

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