Arab Times

Abuse scandal is global problem: Trust

‘Support fight for justice’


MANCHESTER, United Kingdom, Dec 5, (AFP): An independen­t body set up by former footballer­s to help victims of child abuse in the sport claimed the issue is a “global” problem as they urged clubs to support the fight for justice.

The Offside Trust was launched in Manchester on Monday and will work separately from the Football Associatio­n and Profession­al Footballer­s’ Associatio­n to support victims of abuse.

It was formed by Andy Woodward, Steve Walters and Chris Unsworth who all suffered sexual abuse while they were youth team players.

A fortnight ago Woodward, 43, waived his anonymity to reveal he was abused at Crewe by coach, scout and serial paedophile Barry Bennell in the 1980s.

Since Woodward came forward the FA have launched an enquiry while 18 police forces in the UK have begun investigat­ions.

A special hotline setup by The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) received 860 calls in the space of a week, with allegation­s spanning four decades.

Woodward claimed at a press conference at Offside Trust’s launch that there are likely to be victims of sexual abuse all around the world.

“This isn’t just in this country. It’s global,” Woodward said. “I personally know in the United States there are certain things which have potentiall­y happened there.

“It’s just about reaching out to everyone and reaching out to the global side of things.”

So far 20 former players have spoken out about abuse while in excess of 50 different clubs in the UK have been linked to claims of abuse.

FA chairman Greg Clarke recently acknowledg­ed that the scandal is one of the biggest crises that the governing body has faced.

Woodward admitted he did not know if there had been attempts to hush up cases of sexual abuse but hoped the newly formed body will be able to assist with therapy for victims.

“We want to fight for justice. We want jus-

tice, we all went through a terrible ordeal,” he said. “We want justice and reform, move forward so we can protect those children suffering in all walks of life, not just football, we want to protect them.

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