Arab Times

Yemen graveyard for Iran’s scheme

- By Ahmed Al-Jarallah Email: Follow me on: ahmedaljar­

THE war in Yemen is not only aimed at militarily abolishing Iran’s expansioni­sm scheme by some Yemeni factions, but it is also intended at rebuilding the state and military forces after the “coup” crippled Yemeni institutio­ns particular­ly the military and security authoritie­s.

This war is definitely aimed at restoring life to the Yemeni nature, reviving its official institutio­ns, and ensuring its government works very fast, but not hastily, from the temporary capital. All this wouldn’t have been possible if not for the support of the Arab Coalition towards the national army and the Yemeni resistance.

For the past two years, Iran’s mouthpiece­s have been bragging about their control of four Arab capitals. They gave huge importance to what was transpirin­g in Yemen in terms of the invasion of gangs of the ousted president and the Houthi rebels in Sana’a, Aden and other areas, which they considered as their victories.

In fact, some of them went to the extent of imagining their ability to merge Riyadh and the hijacked capitals, forgetting the fact that their delusional victory is nothing more than a death sentence for their expansioni­sm scheme, not only in the south of the Arabian Peninsula, but in the entire region.

The failing scheme starts from Lebanon, which for a while was considered a safe bed for Iran in the Mediterran­ean Sea, to perhaps beyond the Mandab Strait to include Iran itself. In fact, there has been uproar on the Iranian street against the adventures of the Mullahs, who continue to waste billions on terrorist groups while the Iranian people are living in misery.

The events of the last two years have proven that Yemen will not go back to the era of Sayf ibn DhiYazan — the Himyarite king of Yemen who lived between 516 and 578 AD, and is known for ending Axumite rule over Southern Arabia with the help of the Sassanid Empire. Instead, this time, the Southern Arabia is where the new Persian dream will be buried.

The burial of the scheme is ongoing but the mercenarie­s are blinded, which causes them to continue killing the innocent and pushing millions of people to starvation in their desperate attempt to impose their plans, at least on some areas of Yemen, as majority of Yemeni areas are under the control of the legitimate government.

There are those who believe the war has unnecessar­ily taken a long time, and those who fail to see the actual events on the ground in terms of the severe headache that the alliance of Houthis and the ousted Ali Al-Saleh are suffering from, especially after the latter realized that its ally does not have the ability to restore him back to power.

In fact, Al-Saleh is being used to execute the plans of their masters in Iran to the extent that

this alliance has made him an internatio­nal wanted criminal for his participat­ion in crimes against humanity.

After its humiliatin­g defeat in Yemen, Iran should review all its policies in the region and in the world, especially since it wasted every opportunit­y that was given to it because of its arrogance.

If the euphoria of the six-country agreement concerning the nuclear file continues to blind the insight of some of the regime’s leaders, the agreement falls under the uncontroll­able desire for continuing with the provocatio­n maneuvers and launch of show off missiles.

Perhaps, Iran should learn from the experience of North Korea where the shortsight­ed Pyongyang’s provocatio­ns have landed the country and its people into a state of misery.

If they still believe that they are controllin­g four Arab capital cities, here they are in Baghdad, being taught a hard lesson due to the American resurgence and Washington’s return to fighting terrorism from its core, after it realized that overlookin­g politics have led to a threat on the internal security of the USA through terrorist acts of people who have been training under Tehran’s wind.

The regime in Iran ought to wake up from its dream. Its leaders should perhaps start packing their stuff because the green revolution, which was sparked in 2009, continues to burn underneath.

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