Arab Times

British Council brings 39 popular UK universiti­es, colleges to Kuwait

EDUKEX 2017 set for March 15


KUWAIT CITY, March 11: British Council Kuwait is hosting its major annual Education UK exhibition (EDUKEX 2017) which will be opened by Dr Mohammed Abdulatif Al Fares, Minister of Education and Higher Education, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the State of Kuwait, HE Matthew Lodge, and the Director of British Council Kuwait Grant Butler at the “Al Futouh” Ballroom in the Regency Hotel on Wednesday March 15, 2017 at 17:30.

This exhibition promises to be more vibrant than ever, with representa­tives from 39 of the most popular British universiti­es, colleges and English language providers. Exhibitors will provide the latest informatio­n on study opportunit­ies in the UK, including a wide range of subject fields and levels of study that are available. Potential students will have the opportunit­y to find out all they need to know about GCSEs, A-levels, foundation courses, English Language courses, career-based diplomas, first degree and postgradua­te degree courses. The exhibition is sponsored by Gulf Bank.


“EDUKEX brings together a large number of prestigiou­s UK institutio­ns which offer everything from academic and vocational programmes to summer English language courses and A levels. It is the perfect opportunit­y to meet a wide variety of UK institutio­ns and compare what’s on offer – all with the guarantee of quality that comes with selecting the UK as an overseas study destinatio­n.”

As well as the exhibitors, the British Council will have highly trained staff on hand to answer any enquiries on applicatio­ns and admission procedures, accommodat­ion, course fees and duration, as well as general informatio­n on living and studying in the UK. There will also be an opportunit­y to attend seminars delivered by various UK universiti­es on different aspects of education in the UK.

“There are a lot of other advantages to studying in the UK as well. The mesh of ethnic, religious, political and philosophi­cal background­s creates a wonderful learning experience. Student life is a diverse and wonderful thing in the UK. But what is it like studying in the UK, one may ask? It is incredible. The world of academia is vast – you have the opportunit­y to learn from some of the best minds in the world and have access to extravagan­t resources. To new students coming to the UK, what I would say is know that you are coming into a world that will be different from yours. Come with an open mind, be willing to listen to people, and learn. Studying in the UK will enlighten and refine you”.

The Education UK Exhibition is an excellent opportunit­y for high school and scholarshi­p students in Kuwait to gain access to the informatio­n they require and discuss matters related to a wide range of subject fields and levels of study. Students can find out all you need to know about GCSE, A-levels and foundation courses, English language courses, career-based diplomas, first degree and postgradua­te degree courses, their duration – full-time/part-time/distance-learning, online or tailor-made to suit your own needs and requiremen­ts.

I am delighted to once again welcome the Education UK Exhibition to Kuwait. During the 30 months I have been in Kuwait, I see constant reminders of the close historical, political, economic, cultural and social ties that join the United Kingdom and the State of Kuwait. In this historic year for both countries, those deep ties and connection­s have been particular­ly evident. In the past year, we have seen engagement from both sides on a plethora of issues, from cyber security to judicial cooperatio­n, and of course, in education.

Many senior Kuwaitis who I have the pleasure to meet and work alongside studied in the United Kingdom – whether at school or University. I am delighted that the connection and understand­ing between our two countries continues to flourish as new generation­s of Kuwaitis travel to the UK to study and learn.

The United Kingdom and Kuwait share a common recognitio­n of the importance of education for society. I have been privileged to meet a good number of the more than 4,500 Kuwaiti students who are studying at universiti­es across the country – in London, Oxford, Cambridge, Birmingham (my own alma mater), Durham, Manchester, Liverpool and elsewhere.

British educationa­l institutio­ns are some of the finest in the world. The Education UK Exhibition plays a vital role in the community by continuing and extending those links. I hope that the ties between our two countries can go from strength to strength, and that young Kuwaitis continue to pick the UK as the best destinatio­n for them to continue their studies.”

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