Arab Times

WH welcomes strong jobs data in tweets


WASHINGTON, March 11, (RTRS): A series of tweets by White House spokesman Sean Spicer on Friday commenting on strong February job creation figures may have run afoul of federal guidance barring most officials from commenting on key economic data within an hour of its release.

The rule, Statistica­l Policy Directive Number 3, is meant to “preserve the distinctio­n between the policy-neutral release of data by statistica­l agencies and their interpreta­tion by policy officials,” the White House budget office explained when it published the most recent version in September 1985.

Jason Furman, who led President Barack Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, noted on Twitter that the rule had been in place for decades: “Everyone has followed it. Until now.”

Asked about the tweets at a White House news briefing, Spicer said the posts simply repeated public informatio­n and did not provide any analysis that could have disrupted markets.

“We’re excited to see so many Americans back to work,” he said. “So, I apologize if we were a little excited.”

Erica Groshen, who led the Labor Department’s statistica­l arm for four years under Obama, in her own comment on Twitter called the directive a “best practice” separating non-partisan number crunchers from officials with a more-political bent.

In its monthly report on US employment, released at 8:30 am (1330 GMT), the Labor Department said nonfarm employers added 235,000 workers to their payrolls, with the unemployme­nt rate dropping a tenth of a percentage point to 4.7 percent.

The monthly jobs data sets the tone for financial markets worldwide, and the robust pace of employment growth in February was seen as giving the Federal Reserve a green light to raise interest rates next week.

Twenty-four minutes after the data was released, Spicer tweeted, “Great news for American workers: economy added 235,000 new jobs, unemployme­nt rate drops to 4.7 percent in first report for @POTUS Trump.”

Minutes later, he offered a fresh post: “Not a bad way to start day 50 of this Administra­tion.” Spicer was not alone. White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, in his own tweet at 9:02 am (1402 GMT), appeared to hand the credit for the job growth to President Donald Trump: “@ POTUS Trump delivers in first #JobsReport. 235,000 new jobs and unemployme­nt rate down to 4.7%. Great news for American workers!”

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