Arab Times

Saudi women unite to inspire new generation

Conference seeks to highlight changing roles


RIYADH, March 11, (RTRS): Saudi women from adventurer­s to inventors hope a unique conference in Riyadh on Saturday will highlight their changing roles and inspire younger women to push for new opportunit­ies in the ultra-conservati­ve kingdom.

The event comes at a time when reforms are slowly affecting women’s lives in one of the world’s most gender-segregated countries – where women live under the supervisio­n of a male guardian and cannot drive.

Women can now sit on the government advisory Shura Council, vote in municipal elections and work in some retail and hospitalit­y jobs with the government’s Vision 2030 trying to diversify the oil-reliant economy by boosting female employment.

At a one-day conference run by Alwaleed Philanthro­pies, a charitable group working to help women, Saudi women from various walks of life took to the stage alongside internatio­nal speakers such as British women’s rights campaigner Cherie Blair.

Raha Moharrak, 31, who made history in 2013 as the first Saudi woman to climb Mount Everest, said girls in Saudi Arabia must be taught that they are not less than boys.

“My journey started as a minirebell­ion ... I wanted to shock my parents,” said Moharrak, who was determined to do something different after studying abroad and won her reluctant father over by explaining why climbing was important to her.

“In our culture we are taught to be quiet, taught that being bold is ugly, that being different is discourage­d. I think that bold is beautiful, that being different is unique.”

Other speakers included Hadeel Ayoub, who invented a smart glove that converts sign language to text, and writer Kawthar Al Arbash, whose son was killed in 2015 trying to stop an Islamic State suicide bomber.

Princess Lamia bint Majed Al Saud, secretary general of Alwaleed Philanthro­pies, said the conference, with the slogan “Saudi Women Can”, was part of a campaign to draw attention to their achievemen­ts and inspire the next generation.

After the conference – which she hopes to make annual – a microsite SaudiWomen­ with a mobile app will issue daily motivation­al quotes, and other initiative­s are planned.

“I want to give the younger generation role models to show them that, no matter what obstacles, there are opportunit­ies and give them stories to inspire them,” Princess Lamia told the Thomson Reuters Foundation, which is partnering with the charity to provide training for Saudi journalist­s on women’s issues.

Speaker Eqbal Darandari, associate professor at King Saud University who was elected to the Shura Council in 2016, said it was important women learn responsibi­lity and leadership.

“We need to teach females to be stronger ... to make change, to work on their own,” said Darandari, adding the biggest progress would come if women were given decision-making roles.

“We are achieving things but not as fast as we would like. But this is a problem not from the top but from down, from the people, as what is needed is social change and that is slow.”

Saudi Arabia is ranked 141 of 144 countries in the Global Gender Gap, a World Economic Forum study on how women fare in economic and political participat­ion, health and education.

A state policy of gender segregatio­n between unrelated men and women is strictly enforced with separate areas in public spaces and separate entrances at workplaces.

In public all women must wear a head-to-toe black garment.

Moharrak, a graphic designer, said women need to get the support of their fathers and brothers for real change to happen.

“All the women who have managed to achieve independen­ce have two things in common: a rebellious heart and an understand­ing father. We don’t grow up with an easy path but no one wants to be disowned or disrespect their father,” she said.

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