Arab Times

Sao Paulo street art debate over what makes cities livable

Paintings part of city’s cultural heritage


SAO PAULO, March 25, (AP): When completed in 2015, the mayor’s office hailed the graffiti panels along Avenida 23 de Maio as Latin America’s largest open-air mural — 70 works of street art stretching for more than 3 miles (5 kilometers) along a boulevard connecting a well-to-do district with the city center. Then this January, they were painted over. It wasn’t done by vandals or other graffiti artists, as often happens with street art, but by sanitation workers acting on the orders of Sao Paulo’s new mayor, Joao Doria, a millionair­e businessma­n and former host of “The Apprentice Brazil.” The mayor even donned a pair of orange coveralls and wielded a spray gun to put a thin layer of gray paint over the murals — angering people who considered the paintings part of the city’s cultural heritage and sparking a debate about what is art and what should be protected.

Removal of the murals was among the first acts of Doria’s “Pretty City” campaign: a traveling circus of street cleaners and maintenanc­e workers who install new trash cans, plant trees, pick up garbage and cover up graffiti around Sao Paulo every weekend. Doria says the goal is not just to clean up Sao Paulo but to restore Paulistano­s’ pride in their hometown.

Many in Sao Paulo have cheered the campaign for aiming at a widely despised style of street art known as “pichacao” — a generally monochroma­tic, rune-like calligraph­y covering buildings across the city. Doria’s administra­tion has increased fines for pichacao, is installing cameras to catch practition­ers, and encourages everyone, especially taxi drivers, to report it.


But most Brazilians make a distinctio­n between pichacao — derived from the Portuguese word for tar — and the colorful and pictorial street paintings they call “graffiti.” The latter are largely tolerated, often celebrated and widely seen as linked to Sao Paulo’s urban identity.

Many considered the murals on 23 de Maio a showcase for Brazil’s vibrant graffiti art, and Doria’s decision to paint over all but a few touched a nerve about what can be lost when cities revitalize blighted areas.

Some of Doria’s critics tie the cleanup campaign to other parts of his business-oriented agenda: a privatizat­ion plan to sell off city stadiums and open bids for concession­s in public parks as well as an effort to revitalize the dilapidate­d downtown, an important canvas for pichacao.

“This is not just about a fight against pichacao,” said Marcio Siwi, a doctoral candidate at New York University who studies art, architectu­re and urbanism in Sao Paulo. “This is bigger than that. This is about bringing revenue into the city in a way that’s very controvers­ial.”

Other cities have waged similar campaigns. The mayor of Lima, Peru, in 2015 ordered the painting over of murals authorized by his predecesso­r and was showered with complaints from artists and architects who said the murals had reclaimed a dilapidate­d area. New York has largely won its war to banish the graffiti that once covered subway cars — an art style several graffiti artists in Brazil have cited as inspiratio­n — but many New Yorkers protested when the owner of a Queens warehouse known as 5Pointz, which had become a shrine to graffiti art, painted over its murals in 2013 ahead of its demolition.

Sao Paulo has tried to clean up pichacao before, but it has also long touted its street art, with even the city’s own tourism bureau offering it up as a slice of the “real,” gritty city. One law even calls for graffiti to be valued and protected — as long as it is done with permission. Pichacao, though, is always considered illegal.

“Street art in Sao Paulo is a postcard for Sao Paulo,” said Eduardo Kobra, an artist who started out in pichacao and is now invited to paint murals in cities worldwide.

 ??  ?? In this March 20, 2017 photo a child walks alongside a street mural in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (AP)
In this March 20, 2017 photo a child walks alongside a street mural in Sao Paulo, Brazil. (AP)

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