Arab Times

Experience Science


Registrati­on is now open for Experience Science for Adults. Why should kids have all the fun?! The five week programme will be held on Saturday from 10:00 am-11:30 am at the Yarmouk Cultural Centre.

Registrati­on is limited to 16. You may register at either the Amricani Cultural Centre, Sunday to Thursday 10:00-3:00 or the Yarmouk Cultural Centre, Sunday to Thursday 10:00-6:00.

For more informatio­n, please

TIES Center events:

for Adults:

TIES Center announces following events – Tajweed and Recitation: Learn and practice the art of reciting the Holy Quran (tajweed). The instructor will also answer questions related to the meaning of the Arabic words and verses.

Every Sunday & Tuesday @ 10 – 11:30am; every Monday @ 5-6:30pm.

The TIES Center is the social and educationa­l hub for English Speaking expats in Kuwait. For more informatio­n, please call 25231015 or e-mail or visit www.

TIES Center classes:

TIES Center is conducting a series of classes about some of the Prophets and Messengers of God who strove very hard to spread monotheism and teach their respective peoples how to worship God. Their message was not only spiritual; they also taught people how to conduct their daily lives and develop the living conditions on earth.

In this series, we will focus on the following prophets: Adam, Nouh (Noah), Ibrahim (Abraham), Ayoub (Job), Yousuf (Joseph), Mousa (Moses), and Eisa (Jesus) - may peace, mercy and blessings of Allah (to Whom all might and majesty is ascribed) be upon them all.

We will not only focus on historical facts, but will also deduce some important lessons whose applicatio­n in our daily interactio­ns and chores determine our success and salvation.

Join us every Thursday at 7 pm to learn about the life and times of those messengers of firm resolve.

The TIES Center is the social and educationa­l hub for English Speaking Muslims in Kuwait. For more informatio­n, please call

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