Arab Times

Twitter may build paid Tweetdeck client for brands


Twitter is considerin­g reviving its long-neglected Tweetdeck desktop client, for a fee: The company has been surveying users whether they’d be willing to pay for a version of the software that would include advanced analytics, alerts and other pro features that would make it more suitable for brands, media organizati­ons and other power users looking to stay on top of Twitter trends.

“The is premium tool set will provide valuable viewing, posting, and signaling tools like alert, trends and activity analysis, advanced analytics, and composing and posting tools all in one customizab­le dashboard,” according to the survey, which was first reported on by users on Twitter.

The paid Tweetdeck version would come without ads, and allow users to monitor multiple accounts. The survey also included a mockedup screenshot of the software:

Twitter acquired Tweetdeck all the way back in 2011, when the software was one of the most popular third-party Twitter clients. Tweedeck has remained popular with Twitter power users, but the company hasn’t rolled out any major updates for it for some time.

There’s no word yet on how much Twitter may charge for a paid version of Tweetdeck, and The Verge reported Thursday evening that the new version hasn’t actually been built yet by the company. (RTRS)

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