Arab Times

Splinterin­g euro zone debt mkt is down to Draghi, not politics

Bloc’s weakest links seen most vulnerable


LONDON, March 25, (RTRS): Big bond funds are becoming increasing­ly reluctant to lend to the eurozone’s weakest members, looking past a crowded electoral calendar to an eventual winding down of the European Central Bank’s ultra-loose monetary policy.

In recent months, the funds have been hiking the premiums they demand to buy bonds from highlyinde­bted southern European states such as Portugal and Italy.

Many analysts have put much of that to fears that the anti-establishm­ent wave behind Brexit and Donald Trump’s US presidenti­al election win could sweep anti-establishm­ent parties to power in a series of European elections this year.

But the first of those votes in the Netherland­s last week threw into sharp relief that for many investors there are more risks facing the bloc’s weakest debt markets than just politics.

There was little change in relative borrowing costs after Prime Minister Mark Rutte fended off a challenge from the far-right populist Geert Wilders in the Dutch election.

Top of the risks list is whether the European Central Bank will soon withdraw the life support that has kept many of the weaker economies functionin­g and compressed government bond yields.


“The better the political outcome in all of these European elections, the more flexibilit­y the ECB has to one day withdraw the stimulus,” said Michael Krautzberg­er, the head of European fixed income at the world’s biggest asset manager, BlackRock.

“I would expect that we have much more country differenti­ation in a scenario where the ECB finally withdraws from the market because that uniform factor falls away.”

At the start of April, the ECB will scale back the billions of euros its spends each month on a bondbuying scheme designed to prop up growth and inflation.

That may be just the start. At its March meeting, ECB President Mario Draghi said its sense of urgency was over. Investors have begun to anticipate interest rate rises by the end of this year.

Some analysts warn that if the ECB tries to wind down its programme quickly, borrowing costs for so-called peripheral countries relative to Germany — known as the spread — could widen by as much as 1-2 percentage points.

For the likes of Portugal that would put borrowing costs back towards levels seen as unsustaina­ble for managing debts.

In a similar way that some emerging countries suffered in the backdraft of US hints it would scale back monetary easing in 2013, the bloc’s weakest links may be punished by markets.

“The drugs don’t work already and when you take steps towards pricing in less drugs — QE — then you price in spread widening,” said Richard McGuire, head of rates strategy at Rabobank.

Spain and Italy have been among the poorest performing bond markets in the euro area this year.

The German/Italian 10-year yield gap this week rose above 200 basis points to its widest in three years.

There was little change in these spreads last week’s Dutch election. Investors say French bonds could win some respite if the euroscepti­c Marine Le Pen is defeated in May’s presidenti­al vote.

But it is unclear whether the same is true for the debt of Italy and Portugal, where government­s have struggled to implement structural reforms and shore up a fragile banking sector.

“As the ECB gradually withdraws monetary stimulus this year and next, that will place a disproport­ionate challenge on the weaker countries to grow under the tighter monetary stance,” said Andrew Bosomworth, head of portfolio management in Germany at PIMCO, one of the world’s largest bond investors.

“Hence we see valuations in peripheral countries as vulnerable, especially if they do not or cannot compensate for less monetary stimulus with stimulativ­e fiscal policy or growth-enhancing structural reforms.”

Election uncertaint­y in the eurozone has also been weighing down market inflation expectatio­ns in the bloc.

Analysts say those expectatio­ns should snap back once the political hurdles are cleared, meeting the ECB’s near 2 percent target and supporting the case for tighter policy.

For the currency market, some argue the prospect of tighter policy is set to prove as least as important as politics over the next six months.

Bets against the euro hit their lowest in nearly a year after this month’s ECB’s meeting and major banks have abandoned prediction­s for a fall to parity with the dollar.

“Politics is always only part of the equation and ECB policy is certainly as important, if not more important, for eurozone bond markets,” Valentijn van Nieuwenhui­jzen, chief investment strategist with Dutch financial group NNIP said.

“If the underlying backdrop in terms of growth, earnings, inflation is actually surprising to the upside. Politics are a sideshow rather than a driver of markets.”

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