Arab Times

Schulz effect fails to deliver in ‘test’

Merkel celebrates win


BERLIN, March 27, (Agencies): It was the German Social Democrats’ first electoral test under their new leader, Martin Schulz. They failed. Instead, voters in the state of Saarland flocked to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservati­ves on Sunday for fear of a new left-wing alliance.

“A damper for Schulzoman­ia,” the Sueddeutsc­he Zeitung daily wrote in a Monday editorial as politician­s in Berlin sought to evaluate the implicatio­ns of the vote for the Sept 24 national election in Germany, the European Union’s pivotal member state.

Schulz has led a revival in his Social Democrats’ (SPD) poll ratings since winning the nomination as their leader in January. But the prospect of his centreleft party ruling with the farleft Linke in Saarland turned off voters there.

Both the SPD and Linke lost support from the 2012 vote after suggesting they could team up or form a “red-red-green” alliance with the environmen­talist Greens. In the event, the Greens did not meet the 5 percent threshold to enter the state assembly.

The outcome is a setback for the prospects of such a left-leaning alliance ousting Merkel after September’s vote, though drawing lessons for the federal vote from the Saarland result is problemati­c and “red-red-green” could yet prevail nationally.

With just 800,000 voters, Saarland is the size of just two of Berlin’s residentia­l districts. Merkel’s conservati­ves also fielded a strong candidate in Annegret Kramp-Karrenbaue­r, the state premier who has been nicknamed “the Merkel from the Saar”. “I know her. She is simply brilliant,” said Hajo Funke, political scientist at Berlin’s Free University, adding that Kramp-Karrenbaue­r had focused on competent government in Saarland and was not egocentric. “So the ‘Schulz effect’ was curtailed, but it still exists.”


The suggestion of an alliance of the SPD with the far-left Linke unnerves many voters in western Germany. But it is not a taboo in the east, where the Linke, the successor to the old East German Communist Party that rejects NATO and wants to lift the top income tax rate to 75 percent, already governs in a three-way leftist alliance in Berlin and Thuringia.

Schulz played down the implicatio­ns of Sunday’s result for the national election, saying Saarland was a special case. He pointed to Oskar Lafontaine, a former SPD chairman who deserted the party for the Linke, which he heads in the western state. Years of poisoned relations between the two parties followed.

“I think there are only limited inferences that can be drawn from state elections for the whole country,” Schulz said, appearing to leave open the possibilit­y of cooperatio­n with the Linke at national level.

Two more regional elections in May — in the far northern state of Schleswig-Holstein and the populous western region of North Rhine-Westphalia — offer the Social Democrats the chance to regain the initiative.

Polls show the SPD leading in both states, though they underestim­ated the strength of Merkel’s Christian Democrats (CDU) in Saarland and overestima­ted support for the SPD.


Despite the local caveats in Saarland, the message for the SPD is that the “Schulz effect” is not yet gaining enough traction despite a 10-point bounce in the party’s national ratings since his nomination in January.

“It needs to deliver more,” Funke said of the SPD. “A lot depends on whether the SPD can be convincing when fleshing out its election campaign focused on social issues and Europe.”

Schulz is trying to win over dissatisfi­ed working class voters with a message of social justice. Under Merkel, who has been in power for 11 years, Germany has enjoyed economic growth and high employment, but the gap between rich and poor has widened.

Merkel on Monday celebrated an encouragin­g win for her conservati­ves in the state election, declaring that her party has “every chance” in upcoming votes. Her center-left challenger in Germany’s national election later this year vowed not to be put off his stride by a deflating result.

A satisfied Merkel, who has largely ignored Schulz so far, brushed off a question about the “Schulz effect.”

Sunday’s outcome showed “we shouldn’t worry permanentl­y about polls. We should work toward convincing people,” she told reporters. “I’m simply happy about the result, and that’s what counts. I don’t permanentl­y occupy myself with effects.” “It will be a difficult election campaign and we have every chance,” she added. “We have it in our hands.” Schulz was keen to highlight regional factors in explaining Sunday’s disappoint­ing vote in Saarland, a region of nearly 1 million people on the French border.

“We have picked up support in the last few weeks, in Saarland too, and we are looking ahead,” he said, promising to draw “the necessary consequenc­es” for the two next two state elections in May.

“We’re in it for the long haul — that message goes to those who are celebratin­g today, understand­ably from their point of view, but should not celebrate too early,” he said.

Saarland is run by a “grand coalition” of Christian Democrats and Social Democrats, Germany’s biggest parties and traditiona­l rivals, the same combinatio­n that Merkel leads at the national level.

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