Arab Times

Expat Turks begin voting in referendum

Swiss probes sign calling ‘kill Erdogan’


BERLIN, March 27, (Agencies): As polling stations opened Monday in Germany, acrimony has been rising among the Turks here whose votes are crucial in the tight race over whether to expand the powers of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The 1.4 million eligible Turkish voters in Germany represent about half the total number of expatriate­s who can cast ballots, and the fight for their support has been fierce.

So far the headlines have focused on tensions between the two leaders. Erdogan, who has been trying to woo the Turks in Germany with rallies and rhetoric, has accused German officials of acting like Nazis for blocking his supporters from holding rallies ahead of the referendum. The move infuriated many in Germany, prompting Chancellor Angela Merkel to threaten that Berlin will take “all necessary measures” unless he stops the comparison­s.

But the referendum has also polarized the 3 million-strong Turkish community in Germany more than anything in its 60-year history, said Caner Aver, an expert from the Center for Turkey Studies in the western German city of Essen.

“Erdogan appeals to people who feel discrimina­ted against, people who couldn’t find their place in Germany, who have a bad job, a bad education and problems with their own identity,” Aver said.


He added the Turkish president has managed to succeed in giving such people a sense of pride as Turks — even if they have never lived in Turkey and often have an idealized, unrealisti­c idea of the country their parents or grandparen­ts came from.

The absentee balloting in Germany began Monday and runs until April 9 at 13 different polling stations across the country, while the referendum inside Turkey takes place on April 16.

For weeks, advocates and opponents of the referendum have campaigned determined­ly across Germany, handing out flyers in front of mosques and trying to persuade fellow Turks in emotional debates at tea rooms or kebab restaurant­s. Thousands have also attended campaign rallies with politician­s flown in from Turkey — whose cancellati­on in some cities prompted Erdogan’s remarks about “Nazi methods.”

Ayfer Inci-Pekoz stood in the pouring rain for hours, clad in a neon-yellow vest with the Turkish slogan “Berlin hayir diyor (Berlin says no),” handing out flyers in front of a Turkish grocery market in the city’s bustling Neukoelln neighborho­od.

Reactions to her efforts were mixed. An elderly worker at the store who was sorting red apples mumbled, “I’m with you, my friend. You don’t need to convince me.” Yet a young male driver in a flashy car passing by took a flyer, then tore it into pieces immediatel­y and shouted expletives at her.


Inci-Pekoz, a Turkish-born real estate agent who now has German citizenshi­p herself and can’t vote, shrugged and turned to two veiled young mothers with strollers. They refused to take the flyers, saying they’d already decided to vote for Erdogan.

“I’ve always been political and fought for women’s rights and democracy,” the 45-year-old Inci-Pekoz said. “This referendum scares me. I think if Erdogan wins it will further erode democracy in Turkey.”

A “yes’ vote in the referendum would grant the president the power to appoint government ministers and senior officials, appoint half of the members in the country’s highest judicial body, declare states of emergency and issue decrees.

Senol Akkaya, a 56-year-old building contractor who immigrated to Germany as a child, said he was upset when Erdogan insulted Merkel and he now has a dilemma, since he is a fan of both leaders. He likes Merkel for her no-nonsense attitude and experience as a world leader but he also supports Erdogan, listing what he sees as the president’s achievemen­ts like building better infrastruc­ture in Turkey and standing up for Turkish immigrants abroad.

He says not only have Erdogan’s Nazi comments upset many Germans, but the referendum for some is seen as a test of immigrants’ support for European democratic values and their loyalty toward the countries they or their relatives immigrated to.

“Democracy means also to tolerate the opinions of your opponents,” Yasaroglu said. “We’ve all done a pretty bad job at this recently. Let’s try to focus again on what we all have in common, on our humanity, and on building bridges instead of tearing them down.”

Swiss prosecutor­s are investigat­ing whether a protest sign calling for the killing of Turkish President Erdogan violated laws against inciting violence, police said on Monday.

People demonstrat­ing in Bern on Saturday against plans to extend Erdogan’s powers held up a sign reading “Kill Erdogan with his own weapons” and pictured a pistol aimed at his head.

Turkey’s foreign ministry summoned Swiss diplomats in Ankara, demanding legal action against people at the rally, which drew thousands including Kurdish demonstrat­ors.

Erdogan himself, who has accused Germany and the Netherland­s of Nazistyle tactics for preventing rallies supporting his proposed new powers — which are due to be put to a referendum next month — said Switzerlan­d had gone even further.

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