Arab Times

Embassy of Bangladesh marks 46th Independen­ce & National Day


The 46th Anniversar­y of the Independen­ce and National Day of Bangladesh was celebrated in the Bangladesh Embassy in Kuwait on March 26, 2017 in a befitting manner. To celebrate the day, the Mission drew up elaborate programs which included National Flag Hoisting at full mast, recitation from the Holy Quran, reading out of messages and discussion with participat­ion of community members.

The program of the day began with ceremonial hoisting of the National Flag. His Excellency S.M. Abul Kalam, the Ambassador of Bangladesh hoisted the National Flag in presence of Embassy officials, officers of the Bangladesh Military Contingent to Kuwait, Bangladesh Biman and members of the huge Bangladesh­i community.

The discussion program began with recitation from the Holy Quran. Special dua and munajat were offered seeking divine blessings for the freedom fighters who laid down their valuable lives for the independen­ce of the country, the injured freedom fighters, and for continued peace and progress of the country. One minute silence was observed in honor of the martyrs of the liberation war in 1971. Messages given by the Hon’ble President, Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon’ble Foreign Minister and Hon’ble State Minister for Foreign Affairs were read out by officers of the Mission.

The program was attended by more than three hundred members from all walks of Bangladesh community in Kuwait. Expatriate community leaders, profession­als, freedom fighters, leaders of cultural organizati­ons have voluntaril­y taken part in the discussion. The discussion was informativ­e and lively. Mohammed Anisuzzama­n, First Secretary and Head of Chancery anchored the program.

In his speech, His Excellency S.M. Abul Kalam highlighte­d various important events leading the nation to the war of independen­ce under the leadership of the Father of the Nation Bangabandh­u Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He reiterated that as a nation we will not forget the supreme sacrifice of the freedom fighters. He urged the community members to get inspiratio­ns from the war of independen­ce and devote themselves to buildup the country through their patriotism and hard work. He also requested all to ensure a peaceful co-existence of all Bangladesh nationals in their second home Kuwait.

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Photos from the event.
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A photo from the event.

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