Arab Times



By Jacqueline Bigar

Happy birthday for Tuesday, March 28, 2017: This year your birthday triggers unusual creativity and a new willingnes­s to take risks. Weigh the pros and cons before deciding to jump right in. Always make sure you can afford a loss. If you are single, this adventurou­s quality could attract a similar type of personalit­y. Attempt to restrain yourself from getting too wild. If you are attached, the two of you spend many hours out and about together. Your impulsive nature easily could emerge, making your sweetie feel left out. Be careful. A fellow ARIES knows how to push your buttons.

The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult

Capricorn -

(Dec 22 - Jan 19)

**** Know that others can’t push you into an agreement that you want nothing to do with. Your issue might be that you like the people involved but don’t support a project they are pursuing. All you need to say is “no.” You don’t need to give an explanatio­n. Tonight: Tackle a project.

Aquarius -

(Jan 20 - Feb 18)

**** Your energy could be somewhat depleted as you attempt to handle a rather heated situation. The other person involved wants what he or she wants at whatever cost. Are you resisting because you disagree or simply out of spite? Tonight: Join a friend for dinner.

Pisces -

(Feb 19 - Mar 20)

***** You have determined your goals. A friend might try to convince you otherwise, which will trigger a disagreeme­nt or a need to do something very differentl­y. Know that you will have the final say. Use your good sense with a money matter. Tonight: Buy a favorite


Aries -

(Mar 21 - Apr 19)

**** Your energy soars. Be willing to express your feelings, no matter how much uproar you could trigger. Clearly, someone needs to make an adjustment, and you are unlikely to be that person. You also are unlikely to bend to someone else’s will. Tonight: Ask and you shall receive.

Taurus -

(Apr 20 - May 20)

**** You might be sorry that you have pushed so hard to get your way. You see the ramificati­ons, and you don’t like them. Relax, and be less uptight. A change of attitude could make all the difference in helping others lighten up. Tonight: Keep it your secret.

Gemini -

(May 21 - June 20)

***** Emphasize the pros and cons of what is going on, without demonstrat­ing a bias. Others will appreciate your neutrality. You are likely to make a greater impact on a key person if you do not take sides. Allow your imaginatio­n to lead the way. Tonight: Conjure up what you want.

Cancer -

(June 21 - July 22)

**** You might be more open to new possibilit­ies than you have been in a while. You can’t force a matter, as you simply are not in the position to lead this conversati­on. Let go, and you’ll see positive results. Visit with a friend or loved one in the near future. Tonight: In the limelight.

Leo -

(July 23 - Aug 22)

***** Step back and get an overview. You can’t seem to figure out what is going on, perhaps because you are in too deep to have a perspectiv­e. Don’t push someone too hard; otherwise, you might get a strong reaction. Understand­ing evolves to a new level. Tonight: Be yourself.

Virgo -

(Aug 23 - Sept 22):

**** A partner could be challengin­g and looking for a response. You can work through this hassle fairly quickly and directly, if you so choose. Your response could determine the type of interactio­ns you will have in the future. Tonight: Make an offer that a friend can’t refuse.

Libra -

(Sept 23 - Oct 22)

**** A collision of wills is never fun. You might be trying to recover from one of these episodes later in the day. A power play involving your personal life is likely to backfire. Try not to get involved in it, if possible. Tonight: Maintain a sense of humor about recent happenings.

Scorpio -

(Oct 23 - Nov 21)

**** You might be more invested in following through on what you think you need to say rather than considerin­g the alternativ­es. Slow down, and think carefully before you make a decision. Consider what you want your longterm objective to be, then act accordingl­y. Tonight: Observe.

Sagittariu­s -

(Nov 22 - Dec 21)

*** You could feel so stressed out that you might want to back out of some plans. This situation indirectly ties you to a different matter that you would prefer not to be involved in. Honor your needs, but recognize that there likely will be a strong reaction. Tonight: Hang out with friends.

Born today: Singer/songwriter Lady Gaga (1986), singer Reba McEntire (1955), actress Julia Stiles (1981)

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