Arab Times

Woman main element in society regardless

- By Ali Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil Email:

THE recent clamor caused by an MP in our Parliament puts us in the bottom of the ladder of backwardne­ss. This MP refused to sit next to his female colleague during a session of one of the parliament­ary committees, arguing that she wore perfume.

Women both inside and outside Kuwait occupy very high positions. It is a fact that women in Kuwait suffer from the grip of fundamenta­lists through laws such as the law for gender separation in university among others on which Almighty Allah did not reveal authority.

In fact, such laws were tailored by brains that are affected by crazy sex drive. To them, the role of women is to only fulfill their sexual desires.

Women in the developed and Third World countries, which are not different from us, are not looked down upon with such inferior nomadic outlook. This is evident in the recent highlights of the two female leaders of England and Scotland.

The government of the United Kingdom or Britain is headed by Theresa May, who recently visited the region in her western clothes and hairstyle just the way she is in her country Britain, and she received a grand reception.

In Scotland, the head of its government is Nicola Sturgeon. Between the two female leaders, there is a fierce challenge because both are engaged in an unusual political battle.

Theresa May will soon initiate the divorce procedure between Britain and European Union (EU), which is famously referred to as “BREXIT”. On the other hand, Nicola Sturgeon insisted that Scotland voted in its last opinion poll referendum to remain in the EU, and that Scotland will lose because of BREXIT, which is why it needs to separate from Britain in order to guarantee economic relations with the EU.

These unpreceden­ted decisions, which are more than life decisions, are in the hands of two women who are running two advanced countries. In my opinion, these two women are equal to hundreds of men who are living among us and controllin­g our destiny in both executive and legislativ­e authoritie­s.

The second event happened in the Kingdom of Morocco, where its monarch King Muhammad VI

issued a royal decree to form a new Cabinet to succeed the fundamenta­list Cabinet of “Ben Kirane”.

What I want to highlight here, in order to choke those who are against women, is the amazing fact that the new Cabinet consists of eight women. According to me, this is unpreceden­ted. We have never seen such relatively high number of women as ministers, especially when the one who appointed them is His Majesty the King of Morocco who holds the religious title of “Amir of the Believers”. This historic decree was issued under that title.

We believe that His Majesty King Muhammad VI, in his decree, adhered to the essence of Islamic religion and not its outer cover or insignific­ant aspects for the sake of the show, which the fanatics, extremists and “takfiris” adhere to in their perspectiv­e about women who occupy high positions.

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