Arab Times

US sought to monitor Trump adviser Page

Committees probe Russia ties


WASHINGTON, April 12, (AP): The FBI obtained a secret court order last summer to monitor the communicat­ions of Carter Page, an adviser to then-candidate Donald Trump, because the government had reason to believe Page was acting as a Russian agent, The Washington Post has reported.

Page is among the Trump associates under scrutiny as the FBI and congressio­nal committees investigat­e whether his presidenti­al campaign had ties to Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election. Trump has denied any wrongdoing, but the investigat­ions could shadow his presidency for months or even years.

The Post, citing unnamed law enforcemen­t and other US officials, said Tuesday the government surveillan­ce applicatio­n laid out the basis for believing that Page had knowingly engaged in intelligen­ce activities on Russia’s behalf. The newspaper said the applicatio­n includes contacts Page had with a Russian intelligen­ce operative in 2013.

Those contacts are detailed in a 2015 court filing involving a case against three men charged in connection with a Cold War-style Russian spying ring. According to the filing, Page provided one of the men documents about the energy industry. He was not charged as part of that case.

An FBI spokesman did not immediatel­y return a call seeking comment from The Associated Press.

Page, who has denied having improper ties to Russia, told the AP Tuesday he was “happy” that the court order had been revealed and blamed the Obama administra­tion for trying to “suppress dissidents who did not fully support their failed foreign policy.”

“It will be interestin­g to see what comes out when the unjustifie­d basis for those FISA requests are more fully disclosed over time,” said Page, using an acronym to refer to the Foreign Intelligen­ce Surveillan­ce Act.



The FISA court and its orders are highly secretive. Judges grant permission for surveillan­ce if they agree there’s probable cause that the target is an agent of a foreign power. Though the standard is a high bar to meet, applicatio­ns are hardly ever denied.

The Post reported that a 90-day warrant was issued for Page and has been renewed more than once by the FISA court.

Page was a little known investment banker when Trump announced him as a member of his foreign policy advisory team early last year. Trump aides insist the president has no relationsh­ip with Page and did not have any dealings with him during the campaign.

Page’s relationsh­ip with Russia began to draw scrutiny during the campaign after he visited Moscow in July 2016 for a speech at the New Economic School. While Page said he was traveling in a personal capacity, the school cited his role in the Trump campaign in advertisin­g the speech.

Page was sharply critical of the U.S. in his remarks, saying Washington has a “hypocritic­al focus on ideas such as democratiz­ation, inequality, corruption and regime change.”

Days later, Page talked with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. at an event on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention. Attorney General Jeff Sessions spoke with the Russian envoy at the same event, a conversati­on he failed to reveal when asked about contacts with Russians during his Senate confirmati­on hearings.

The campaign began distancing itself from Page after his trip to Russia, saying he was only an informal adviser. By the fall, he appeared to have cut ties to the Republican campaign.

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