Arab Times

Park indictment looms:


South Korea’s disgraced ex-president Park Geunhye is likely to be formally indicted early next week and face a criminal trial over a corruption scandal that already led to her removal from office, prosecutor­s said Wednesday.

Park has been jailed at a detention center near Seoul since she was arrested late last month amid accusation­s from prosecutor­s that she extorted money from businesses, took bribes from one of the companies and committed other wrongdoing, all in collaborat­ion with a secretive confidante.

An official at the Seoul Central District Prosecutor­s’ Office said Park will likely be indicted Monday but didn’t elaborate on what charges she will face. The official spoke on condition of anonymity, citing department rules.

Prosecutor­s are allowed to detain Park until next Wednesday without indicting her.

If indicted, Park would remain jailed during court proceeding­s that could last as long as six months. Park could face life imprisonme­nt if charged and convicted of bribery on the scale alleged.

The corruption allegation­s against Park Geun-hye touched off months of massive streets protests that prompted parliament to impeach her in December and the Constituti­onal Court to dismiss her in March.

South Korea is to hold an election on May 9 to choose her successor. Moon Jaein, a liberal who lost the 2012 election to Park, and his former party member Ahn Cheol-soo, considered as a moderate, are the two front-runners, according to opinion surveys. (AP)

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