Arab Times

Black widow’s ‘death’ upheld:



A Japanese “black widow” convicted of murdering three boyfriends she had met online and dated for their money faces execution after Japan’s Supreme Court on Friday dismissed her final appeal.

Kanae Kijima, 42, who has married twice since she was detained in 2009, killed three men in the space of eight months through carbon monoxide poisoning, by burning charcoal briquettes after giving them sleeping tablets.

A spokesman for Japan’s top court confirmed it had ruled against an appeal lodged by Kijima.

Her legal team has claimed her innocence, saying the three men were likely to have committed suicide, according to public broadcaste­r NHK.

The death penalty has overwhelmi­ng public support in Japan, despite repeated protests from European government­s and human rights groups.

Executions are by hanging, however it can take years before they are carried out.

The case has been closely followed in Japan and major media flashed news of the top court decision across television screens.

Kijima writes a blog from the detention centre where she has been held, detailing her life inside, the food and talking about men she likes.

In the latest post on Thursday, she wrote to her readers: “I hope to see you again somewhere someday.”

Kijima’s first victim, 53-year-old Takao Terada was found dead in Tokyo in January 2009. (AFP)

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