Arab Times

‘Drums of war beating on the horizon’


“WHAT will happen if the leader of North Korea Kim Jong Un translates his threats of mercilessl­y destroying the United States of America if Washington attacks his country?” columnist, the dean of the College of Technologi­cal Studies at the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET) and the Deputy Chairman of the Islamic Heritage Revival Society (IHRS) mused for

daily. “In this context, we would like to say that some strategist­s expect any attack on North Korea by the United States of America will bring about the Third World War. This attack will not be like the US dropping atomic bomb on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki which killed more than 250,000 people because according to the strategist­s the two countries the United States of America and North Korea are nuclear States and are indeed capable of destroying each other.

“Not just that, the strategist­s say any US attack on North Korea will result in some other countries such as China taking part in the prospectiv­e war in support of North Korea. We say this because the US has moved one wing of its military fleet including an aircraft carrier towards North Korea. This developmen­t is seen as a threat to the security of Pyongyang.

“However, although this move can be construed in the framework of the socalled ‘The Balance of Fright Policy’ the question is what will happen in case of a mistake and the missiles begin to fly in various directions.

“In this context, we say anyone who looks at the picture of Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump will conclude the volume of cheating and injustice which currently engulfs our world and how we are living in a stupid, stupid, stupid world.

“Apart from the above, what will happen if the Al-Tabqa Dam of Syria situated along the Euphrates River collapses. As a matter of fact, the current


reality shows this dam at the moment is facing the threat of collapse in view of the fierce fighting which currently takes place between the Iraqi forces and the Islamic State (IS) or the so called ‘DAESH,’ particular­ly since we know that this dam was repeatedly exposed to sabotage during the recent years.

“Moreover, the water level of Al-Assad Lake which is situated behind this dam has reached 10 meters and this has resulted in the leakage of water into the dam.

“Such being the case, the experts are currently talking about an overwhelmi­ng flood if the Euphrates Dam collapses. Moreover, this prospectiv­e event is likely to claim the lives of thousands of people from both Iraq and Syria. Hence, we wonder what will happen if the US-made ‘Mother of Bombs’ is dropped on Syria or Iraq.

“In this context, we say the US has recently dropped its ‘Mother of all Bombs on DAESH in Afghanista­n. It is a huge bomb indeed and this is the first time for the US to see this type of bomb being dropped post US invasion of Iraq.

“However, the weight of this bomb is about ten tons and is seen as a huge non-nuclear weapon in the US military arsenal. It is very huge, about nine thousand kilos of explosives and can hit the target accurately.

“For its part, Russia expressed its resentment when it heard the US posseses this type of bomb. This happens although Russia at the moment has the so-called ‘The Father of all Bombs’, and alleges it is more powerful that the ‘Mother of all Bombs.’

“Given the above, we are likely to see the use of ‘Mother’ and ‘Father’ of all bombs simultaneo­usly any moment along our frontiers as and when decided by Washington and Moscow.

“Anyway, they may agree to test these bombs on our territorie­s, because we are the only people in the world who reserve no right to protest against the violation of our territorie­s as long as we have welcomed the interventi­ons of these criminals in our internal affairs and allowed them to test the effectiven­ess of their sophistica­ted weapons on our peoples.”

“The US ‘Republican Party’ symbolized by the ‘Elephant’ is known for its



wars,” columnist wrote for

daily. “This party is actually conservati­ve and was founded in 1854 to supersede the then ‘Christian Rightist Party’. For the time being, the Republican Party is a big party dominated mostly by the northern American states.

“In this context we say the former US president Ronald Reagan could be deemed as one of the prominent Republican presidents. Reagan was the 40th president of the United States of America. During his reign, Washington waged military campaigns on Lebanon and Libya and intervened in the then Lebanese civil war and invaded Libya with sixty-six US warplanes in an attempt to kill the Libya leader Muammar Al-Gaddafi.

“His successor George Bush Sr who is also Republican was the vice-president during the reign of Reagan. Bush was actually created by the US Central Intelligen­ce Agency (CIA) and has held the post of director-general.

“He became the 41st US president and led the internatio­nal coalition of thirty countries to liberate the State of Kuwait from the Iraqi invasion. It is George Bush who later intervened in the Somali civil war to provide food for the Somali people.

“With regard to George W. Bush Jr, this president was involved in many wars in the name of fighting terrorism post Sept 11, 2001 attack on the World Trade Center in New York. Following this event, he waged wars on both Afghanista­n and Iraq.

“Given the above, we conclude that the Republican Party is fond of wars and military interventi­ons everywhere for the benefit of their firms which manufactur­e military weapons.

“Apart from the above, we refer to the 34th US president Dwight Eisenhower. This general was involved in a war on Vietnam which lasted for eight years. This is in addition to the involvemen­t of the Republican­s in the Korean War and the US is said to have spent billions of dollars during the Cold War. However, all these wars serve the interests of those who manufactur­e weapons.

“For the time being, we look at the reign of Donald Trump who also belongs to the Republican Party. But anyone who observes minutely what is currently taking place in most Arab and European countries and Russia will definitely infer that a new war is looming, particular­ly since there are secret reports which show the US and NATO troops have been deployed along the Iran-Iraq border.

“This is in addition to the joint military maneuvers between the US and Gulf Special Forces to fight the terrorists and terrorism and this means the next few months will be full of events.”

“Corruption in our society is not regarded as a scandal to the unknown person who suddenly realizes that all spheres of society could be shaken as a result. Corruption is well known in the country, and stories recorded on discs that are recognized by concerned officials are never disclosed — as if it is happening from another planet,” wrote for

daily. “It seems the world is competing to propel corruption to the higher level, because a day hardly passes without us hearing or reading about corruption­related scandal worldwide covering theft cases among the low class. Other types of corruption happening among the heavyweigh­ts may have been kept a secret to protect some greedy people involved.

“The good thing about the lawful countries is that whoever is caught in the act of corruption is made to refund stolen money, and possibly, imprison the personalit­ies involved. In some countries, scandals are considered very serious to the extent that corrupt people commit suicide for fear of not integratin­g fully into society.

“In the Arab countries where prophets and religions originated, the situation is completely different. People steal without shame, people accord thieves with respect whenever they enter a gathering or diwaniya — although they are well known thieves. Many people try to play down the activities of thieves and argue about what they have stolen and from where they stole.”

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