Arab Times

5 ways the referendum could change Ankara

Erdogan: a pugnacious ‘chief’ eyeing poll knockout


ISTANBUL, April 16, (AFP): Turkey was voted on Sunday in a referendum on expanding the powers of the presidency under Recep Tayyip Erdogan. But the outcome could more broadly influence all aspects of the country’s future.

Coming 94 years after the foundation of modern Turkey by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the referendum is a landmark vote that may affect relations with the West, a peace process with Kurds and dynamics inside society.

Here are five ways the referendum could shape Turkey: Enhanced or weakened powers? If he wins, Erdogan will enjoy enhanced powers, be able to appoint ministers and have an entire bureaucrac­y centralise­d within his presidenti­al palace. Opponents worry that the new system will lack the “checks and balances” that mark the US system, moving the presidency toward oneman rule.

The new system would be implemente­d from November 2019 when presidenti­al and legislativ­e elections would be held simultaneo­usly.

With the clock wound back under the new system Erdogan, who became president in 2014, could hold two more terms, allowing him to stay in power until 2029 rather than 2024 currently.

The executive presidency system “amasses unpreceden­ted power in the hands of one man,” said Alan Makovsky, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.

Erdogan in combative speeches has not countenanc­ed the prospect of a ‘No’ vote and not given the slightest indication he would consider his future. But given the advantages of the ‘Yes’ campaign a ‘No’ would be a massive blow to his status as Turkey’s all-powerful leader. EU integratio­n or disintegra­tion? Relations between Turkey, a longstandi­ng candidate to join the European Union, and its EU partners plunged to bitter lows during the referendum campaign as the president lashed out at Europe for what he said was behaviour reminiscen­t of Nazi Germany.

Erdogan has said Turkey’s membership bid would be “on the table” after the referendum and in every single campaign speech said he would sign any bill restoring capital punishment, a move that would automatica­lly end its bid to join the bloc.

“The tactics of constantly bullying the EU ... for domestic political purposes have now reached their limits,” said Marc Pierini, visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe.

In the event of an easy ‘Yes’ victory, Erdogan could have the confidence to take a decisive move away from EU integratio­n and show Turkey can forge alternativ­e strategic alliances, including with Russia.

One alternativ­e to full membership could be a strengthen­ed customs union, but it is unclear if that would be palatable for Erdogan. Peace process or military action? Erdogan was the first Turkish leader to undertake peace talks with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), resulting in an unpreceden­ted ceasefire.


But the PKK truce shattered in 2015 and Erdogan has since waged a controvers­ial campaign to destroy the group.

In the event of a ‘Yes’, it is not excluded that Erdogan could adopt a more reconcilia­tory attitude on the “Kurdish problem”, even to the point of reopening dialogue.

“In the case of a narrow ‘Yes’ win, he (the president) may feel compelled to be conciliato­ry,” said Asli Aydintasba­s, senior fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).

“Turkey could return to the peace process.”

The Yeni Safak daily has claimed that the government will open a new front with cross border operation against PKK camps in Sinjar, northern Iraq, in a new effort to destroy the group. Reconcilia­tion or polarisati­on? Turkey’s hugely diverse society has starkly polarised during Erdogan’s tenure as prime minister and president since 2003. Erdogan has frequently demonised opponents, saying those who wanted to vote ‘No’ were playing into the hands of the PKK and US-based Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, blamed

No fuel for power plant:

The Gaza Strip’s only functionin­g power plant was out of action Sunday after running out of fuel, the head of the territory’s electricit­y provider told AFP. for the failed July 15 coup.

“He wins, but in the end half of the country is in love with him, and the other half loathes him, and herein lies the crisis of modern Turkey,” said Soner Cagaptay, author of a forthcomin­g book, “The New Sultan”.

While Erdogan has forged a coalition with nationalis­ts, he has in the past showed considerab­le pragmatism in his alliances. Economic rally or downturn? Markets are cautiously expecting a ‘Yes’ and hoping this will bring much needed stability. A rally in Turkish assets is expected in the event of a ‘Yes’.

In the medium term the prospects are much more uncertain, with some economists fearing that any democratic deficits in Turkey and increased polarisati­on in society, coupled with the government’s loss of its enthusiasm for reform, will hit long term growth rates.

“While a potential ‘Yes’ may be cheered by the market in the near term, Turkish equities are not likely to trade above historical averages as growth remains subdued and the long term implicatio­ns of the system untested,” said economists at BGC Partners in Istanbul.

If there were a global contest for winning elections, Erdogan would see himself as the undisputed — and undefeated — heavyweigh­t champion of the world.

In one-and-a-half decades since his ruling party came to power, Erdogan has taken part in 11 elections — five legislativ­e polls, two referenda, three local elections and a presidenti­al vote — and won them all.

On Sunday, Erdogan faces his twelfth and arguably biggest ballotbox challenge since his ruling Justice and Developmen­t Party (AKP) came to power in 2002: a referendum on expanding his powers.

His supporters see the new system as a historic change that will create efficient government.

But for detractors, it is a dangerous step towards one-man rule in the NATO member and EU candidate state.

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