Arab Times

N. Korea test missile ‘fizzles’

Pence arrives in South Korea for talks


SEOUL/PYONGYANG, April 16, (RTRS): A North Korean missile “blew up almost immediatel­y” on its test launch on Sunday, the US Pacific Command said, hours before US VicePresid­ent Mike Pence landed in South Korea for talks on the North’s increasing­ly defiant arms programme.

The failed launch from North Korea’s east coast, ignoring repeated admonition­s from major ally China, came a day after North Korea held a grand military parade in its capital, marking the birth anniversar­y of the state founder, displaying what appeared to be new long-range ballistic missiles.

China’s top diplomat, Yang Jiechi, and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson exchanged views on the “situation on the Korean peninsula” by phone on Sunday, China’s official Xinhua News Agency said. Yang said the two sides should maintain dialogue.

South Korea said the North’s combined show of force “threatened the whole world” but a US foreign policy adviser travelling with Pence on Air Force Two appeared to defuse some of the tension, saying the test of what was believed to be a medium-range missile had come as no surprise.


“We had good intelligen­ce before the launch and good intelligen­ce after the launch,” the adviser told reporters on condition of anonymity.

“It’s a failed test. It follows another failed test. So really no need to reinforce their failure. We don’t need to expend any resources against that.”

The adviser said the missile’s flight lasted four or five seconds.

“It wasn’t a matter of if, it was a matter of when. The good news is that after five seconds it fizzled out.”

Pence is in Seoul at the beginning of a 10-day trip to Asia in what his aides said was a sign of US commitment to its ally in the face of rising tension.

The US nuclear-powered USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier strike group is also heading to the region.

A US Navy attack on a Syrian airfield this month raised questions about US President Donald Trump’s plans for reclusive North Korea, which has conducted several missile and nuclear tests in defiance of UN sanctions, regularly threatenin­g to destroy the South and the United States.

The White House has said Trump has put the North “on notice”.

South Korea, which hosts 28,500 US troops, warned of punitive action if the Sunday launch led to further provocatio­n.

“North Korea showing a variety of offensive missiles at yesterday’s military parade and daring to fire a ballistic missile today is a show of force that threatens the whole world,” South Korea’s SEOUL, South Korea, April 16, (AP): US Vice-President Mike Pence said Sunday that North Korea’s “provocatio­n” underscore­d the risks faced by American and South Korean service members, hours after the North conducted a failed missile launch shortly before Pence’s arrival.

Pence landed in South Korea at the start of a 10-day trip to Asia and was quickly confronted with the stakes facing the United States as Pyongyang seeks to flex its muscles around the birth anniversar­y of the country’s late founder and advance the regime’s nuclear and missile capabiliti­es.

While Pence was aboard Air Force Two flying over the Bering Sea, a North Korean missile exploded during launch on Sunday, US and South Korean officials said, representi­ng a high-profile failure that came as a powerful US aircraft supercarri­er approaches the Korean Peninsula.

After arriving in Seoul, the vicepresid­ent placed a wreath at Seoul National Cemetery and then worshipped with military personnel at an Easter church service at the US Army Garrison Yongsan. During a fellowship meal after the services, he said the tensions on the Korean peninsula had put into sharp focus the importance of the joint USSouth

Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Pence, addressing an Easter service with American troops in South Korea, said the US commitment to South Korea was unwavering.

“Let me assure you under President Trump’s leadership, our resolve has never been stronger. Our commitment to this historic alliance with the courageous people of South Korea has never been stronger.”

The North has warned of a nuclear strike against the United States if provoked. It has said it has developed and would launch a missile that can strike the mainland United States but officials and experts believe it is some time away from mastering the necessary technology, including miniaturis­ing a nuclear warhead.

The North launched a ballistic missile from the same region this month, ahead of a summit between the United States and China in Florida to discuss the North’s arms programme. Korean mission.

“This morning’s provocatio­n from the North is just the latest reminder of the risks each one of you face every day in the defense of the freedom of the people of South Korea and the defense of America in this part of the world,” said Pence, who was introduced by Army Gen Vincent Brooks, commander of US Forces Korea. “Your willingnes­s to step forward, to serve, to stand firm without fear, inspires the nation and inspires the world.”

Pence told the military members that he had spoken twice with President Donald Trump during the day.

Pence said that under Trump’s leadership, “our resolve has never been stronger, our commitment to this historic alliance with the courageous people of South Korea has never been stronger and with your help and God’s help, freedom will ever prevail on this peninsula.”

Trump has suggested that the US will take a tougher stance against North Korea, telling reporters last week: “North Korea is a problem. The problem will be taken care of.” He has repeatedly said if China, North Korea’s dominant trading partner, is unwilling to do more to pressure the North, the US might take the matter into its own hands.

But that missile, which US officials said appeared to be a liquid-fuelled, extended-range Scud, only flew about 60 kms (40 miles), a fraction of its range before spinning out of control.

Tension had escalated sharply amid concern the North may conduct a sixth nuclear test or a ballistic missile test around Saturday’s 105th birth anniversar­y of founding father Kim Il Sung, what it calls the “Day of the Sun”.

China, which Trump has urged to do more to rein in North Korea, has spoken out against its weapons tests and has supported UN sanctions. It has repeatedly called for talks while appearing increasing­ly frustrated with the North.

China banned imports of North Korean coal on Feb 26, cutting off its most important export. China’s customs department issued an order on April 7 telling traders to return North Korean coal cargoes, said trading sources with knowledge of the order.

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