Arab Times

Kuwait pledges $100m to Yemen

$1.1b raised


GENEVA, April 25, (Agencies): The State of Kuwait is earmarking $100 million as a contributi­on to internatio­nal relief aid for the Yemeni people.

Kuwaiti Deputy Prime Minister Khaled Suleiman Al-Jarallah, who declared the financial allocation at a highprofil­e internatio­nal pledging conference for Yemen, held here on Tuesday, indicated that the specialize­d fund was follow-up to a previous sum, $300 million, allotted for the Yemeni people.

The previous fund was in the form of soft loans, provided by Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Developmen­t (KFAED), to finance developmen­t projects in Yemen. It was declared during a ministeria­l meeting of friends of Yemen, held in New York in 2012.

Al-Jarallah expressed in his speech conviction that the ideal solution to the deteriorat­ing humanitari­an conditions in Yemen required restoratio­n of stability, “a matter that could be attained through political settlement according to the three references and greater effort by the internatio­nal community, represente­d by the Security Council.” The references mentioned by Al-Jarallah are outcome of the national dialogue, the GCC initiative and relevant UN resolution­s. In essence, these initiative­s call for restoratio­n of the legitimacy and withdrawal of the rebels from the cities they have conquered.

Houthi militias have seized several towns and cities, namely the Capital Sanaa, in the fighting against pro-government forces.

The deputy foreign minister expressed concern that the Security Council’s failure to resolve the crisis in Syria might be replayed in Yemen. He regretted that marathon interYemen­i negotiatio­ns ended without tangible breakthrou­gh.

He, however, expressed readiness to re-host “the Yemeni brothers” to ink a final conciliati­on agreement, in case the parties reached a settlement.

The senior Kuwaiti official renewed the call upon the Yemeni groups to return to the negotiatin­g table to find a settlement to the annihilati­ng conflict.

He lauded presence of the Yemeni Prime Minister Ahmad Obeid Bin Dhaghar at the conference as an indication of his government’s keenness on tackling the humanitari­an issue in his country.

The State of Kuwait shares with the internatio­nal community the concern regarding the deteriorat­ing humanitari­an conditions in the brotherly Republic of Yemen, where the Arab coalition has exerted great efforts to taper them off by enabling hand-over of internatio­nal aid to regions under the allied forces’ control, Al-Jarallah said.

On these bases, the State of Kuwait has praised the humanitari­an response plan for Yemen (2017) designed to meet the humanitari­an needs “of our Yemeni brothers” — outlined in the humanitari­an requiremen­ts’ documents put on the table at the conference.

“Success of the internatio­nal community in attaining the objectives and meeting the humanitari­an needs warrant restoratio­n of control by the legitimate government; through executing resolution­s of the internatio­nal legitimacy, allowing inflow of humanitari­an supplies to the contested areas and granting permits for humanitari­an activities,” he said.

In 2015, His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber AlSabah declared allocating $100 million in aid for the Yemeni people, he said, also noting that the Kuwaiti support for the Yemeni people dated to decades ago.

The UN secretary-general says internatio­nal donors at the Geneva aid conference have pledged $1.1 billion to help beleaguere­d, war-torn Yemen this year.

Antonio Guterres hailed the pledges after wrapping up the daylong meeting Tuesday, saying it had raised half of the $2.1 billion in funds sought this year in a UN appeal for Yemen.

Coming into the conference, Guterres lamented that the appeal had only been about 15 percent funded.

Yemen’s war has killed over 10,000 civilians and pushed the Arab world’s poorest nation to the brink of famine. Aid groups want improved access to people in need, a halt to airstrikes by a Saudi-led coalition that is fighting Yemen’s Shiite rebels, and more respect for internatio­nal law.

“Yemen today is experienci­ng a tragedy of immense proportion­s,” the UN Secretary General told country representa­tives gathered in Geneva for an aid pledging conference.

“We are witnessing the starving and the crippling of an entire generation,” he said, adding that Yemen is gripped by “the world’s largest hunger crisis”.

Appealing to donors, he stressed that “a famine can be prevented if we

act quickly and commit to funding crucial life-saving assistance”.

The conference, co-hosted by the Swiss and Swedish foreign ministers, comes after the UN in February said Yemen needed $2.1 billion (1.9 billion euros) of aid this year alone.

The UN had warned that unless internatio­nal donors stepped up their response the war-torn country faced a “serious risk of famine”.

UN humanitari­an chief Stephen O’Brien told the conference that Yemen was “the world’s largest humanitari­an crisis today.”

A total of 17 million people, or around 60 percent of its population, are going hungry, while seven million of them do not know where their next meal is coming from and need immediate food aid, the UN said.

Children especially are bearing the brunt of the crisis.

“On average, a child under the age of five dies of preventabl­e causes in Yemen every 10 minutes,” Guterres said.

“This means 50 children in Yemen will die during today’s conference, and all those deaths could have been prevented.”

Many of the children who survive “will be affected by stunting and poor health for their entire lives,” he added.

Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom noted that with two million children out of school, there is a growing risk of recruitmen­t by armed groups, while two-thirds of girls are married off before the age of 18.

“We must act now”, she said.

 ??  ?? Delegates attend the high-level pledging event for the humanitari­an crisis in Yemen at the European headquarte­rs of the United Nations in Geneva on April 25. (AP)
Delegates attend the high-level pledging event for the humanitari­an crisis in Yemen at the European headquarte­rs of the United Nations in Geneva on April 25. (AP)

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