Arab Times

Medication­s prevent opioid addiction relapse

MAT backed by doctors


CHICAGO, May 23, (AP): Remarks by a top US health official have reignited a quarrel in the world of addiction and recovery: Does treating opioid addiction with medication save lives? Or does it trade one addiction for another?

Health Secretary Tom Price’s recent comments — one replying to a reporter’s question, the other in a newspaper op-ed — waver between two strongly held views.

Medication-assisted treatment, known as MAT, is backed by doctors. Yet it still has skeptics, especially among supporters of 12-step programs like Narcotics Anonymous, because it involves opioid-based medication­s.

Price appeared to side with that camp when he said during a recent visit to Charleston, West Virginia: “If we just simply substitute buprenorph­ine or methadone or some other opioid-type medication for the opioid addiction, then we haven’t moved the dial much.”

But in an opinion piece published last week in the Charleston Gazette-Mail, he twice mentioned his agency’s support for medication-assisted treatment. Here’s a closer look.

Because of how opioids act on the brain , people dependent on them get sick if they stop using. Withdrawal can feel like a bad flu with cramping, sweating, anxiety and sleeplessn­ess. Cravings for the drug can be so intense that relapse is common.

Medication-assisted treatment helps by moving a patient from powerful painkiller­s or an illicit opioid like heroin to a regular dose of a legal opioid-based medication such as buprenorph­ine or methadone. The ideal dose is big enough to fend off withdrawal, but too small to produce a euphoric high. Patients can drive, rebuild relationsh­ips and get back to work.

“They’re not walking around high” and it gives them the chance to practice new ways of coping with family and psychologi­cal issues, said Dr. Joseph Garbely of Pennsylvan­ia-based Caron Treatment Centers.

With counseling and education about addiction, patients can get back on track. They eventually can taper off medication­s, but some take them for years.

Researcher­s studying these treatments use drug screening to see whether patients are staying off illegal drugs. If someone uses heroin while in treatment, it shows up in their urine.

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