Arab Times

New arrest in Manchester probe

Thousands of runners defy terror threat


MANCHESTER, United Kingdom, May 28, (Agencies): A British minister said Sunday members of suicide bomber Salman Abedi’s network could still be a large, as thousands defied the terror threat to take part in an annual half marathon.

As runners pounded the streets of the northweste­rn English city, police arrested a 25-year-old man in the eastern Old Trafford area, bringing the number now detained on UK soil in connection with the attack to 12.

Manchester-born Abedi, a 22-yearold of Libyan origin, killed 22 people on Monday evening when he targeted a pop concert by US teen idol Ariana Grande. A third of the those slaughtere­d were children and another 116 people were injured.

Asked by the BBC if some of Abedi’s network were still at large, British Home Secretary Amber Rudd said: “Potentiall­y.”

“The operation is still really at fulltilt in a way and so until the operation is complete we can’t be entirely sure that it’s closed.”

Authoritie­s in Libya have detained Abedi’s brother and father, while British investigat­ors appealed to the public late Saturday for details of the bomber’s movements in the days before the attack, which has been claimed by the Islamic State group.

Police released photograph­s from security cameras showing Abedi on the night of the massacre, wearing jeans and trainers, a black bodywarmer and a baseball cap, with the straps of his backpack visible on his shoulders.


The police statement said one of the last places he went to was a “city centre flat and from there he left to make his way to the Manchester Arena” where the attack took place.

“The flat is highly relevant as a location which we believe may be the final assembly place for the device.”

Security was highly-visible as 40,000 runners took to Manchester’s streets for the Great Manchester Run a day after Prime Minister Theresa May lowered the terror threat level, which was hiked following Monday’s carnage.

Competitor­s gathered at the start line and fell silent as the clocks struck 9:00 am (0800 GMT). This was followed by sustained applause as the song “Don’t Look Back In Anger” by Manchester band Oasis was played over the tannoy, sparking a sing-a-long.

“After everything that’s happened in Manchester, to get everyone to come together, stand united, don’t let them win, that’s why I’m doing it,” runner Ian McLellan, 45, told AFP.

British counter-terror chief Mark Rowley said Friday that police had captured “a large part of the network” linked to the bombing.

Investigat­ors say they have a 1,000-strong team working “around the clock” on the probe and have significan­t details on Abedi’s associates and movements, his finances, and how the explosive was built.

Britain on Saturday reduced its terror threat level from critical -- its highest level -- to severe.

“We should be clear about what this means: A threat level of severe means an attack is highly likely, the country should remain vigilant,” Prime Minister May said.


Operation Temperer, which involved the deployment of troops on patrol alongside police, will be wound down on Monday night, at the end of the bank holiday weekend.

“From midnight on Monday, there will be a well-planned and gradual withdrawal of members of the armed forces, who will return to normal duties,” the premier said.

May has seen her polling lead against the Labour party’s Jeremy Corbyn dwindle as campaignin­g restarted ahead of a June 8 general election, with her rival accusing her of overseeing a cut in police staff while she was interior minister.

From 2009 to 2016, the number of police officers fell by almost 20,000, or around 14 percent, according to the independen­t Institute for Fiscal Studies think tank.

May argues that the government has increased funding for security and intelligen­ce agencies.

Authoritie­s are currently handling 500 terror-related investigat­ions into 3,000 individual­s, with another 20,000 people on the radar posing a “residual risk”.

May attempted to hit back late Saturday, announcing the new “Commission for Countering Extremism” and saying that “enough is enough -- we need to be stronger and more resolute in standing up to these people”.

Meanwhile, bomb squads and repeated police raids have rattled Manchester residents, who find themselves caught up in a fast-moving terrorism investigat­ion to find those behind Monday’s suicide bomb attack.

As a bomb disposal van drove out of their neighbourh­ood, residents in the city’s southern Moss Side area were dumbfounde­d that a terror probe had come thundering into their streets.

“Everyone’s just worried aren’t they, everyone, no matter where they are... it’s scary stuff,” said David Bailey, 29, who manages a property one street away from where the bomb squad was brought in.

He said such drama was never expected “on your doorstep”.

A vast cordon was put in place by police on Saturday morning as they evacuated local residents, while others were told to stay in their homes while the operation continued.

“I saw someone coming out like a policeman with a small cage, I think they put the cat in,” said resident Nicholas Turner, 20, who saw the evacuation under way and was told by police to return home.

Turner works at the Manchester Arena but was not on shift when 22 people were killed on Monday evening in a suicide bomb attack.

“I was obviously a bit concerned on the night ... But thankfully I didn’t know anyone that was hurt or injured or killed,” he told AFP.



Britain is making good progress with technology companies on getting access to the encrypted messages of militant suspects, interior minister Amber Rudd said on Sunday.

Britain has repeatedly complained that technology companies have failed to disclose enough informatio­n about the encrypted messages of militant suspects, though technology companies such as WhatsApp say they cannot break end-to-end encryption.

“We are making good progress with the companies who have put in place end-to-end encryption, some of them are being more constructi­ve that others but we will continue to build on that,” Rudd said on BBC television.

“The area that I am most concerned about is the internet companies who are continuing to publish the hate publicatio­ns, the hate material that is contributi­ng to radicalisi­ng people in this country,” Rudd said. Meanwhile, Britain is looking at range of options to put pressure on internet companies to do more to take down extremist material, Security Minister Ben Wallace said on Sunday.

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