Arab Times

Google links online, offline worlds in new ad challenge

Fueling privacy worries


SAN FRANCISCO, May 28, (AFP): Google is testing a way to tie online ads to brick-and-mortar store purchases, a move whetting marketing appetites while fueling privacy worries.

A product called “Google Attributio­n” was unveiled at a marketing conference this month in San Francisco by the internet giant. Google has long been able to determine when users click on an ads and make a purchase, but linking online and offline habits takes its analytics a step further.

Google senior vice-president Sridhar Ramaswamy, who announced that Attributio­n is in test mode with a limited number of partners and will be rolled out to more advertiser­s in coming weeks, touted the tool as being able to answer the long-challengin­g question of whether marketing campaigns are working.

“Google Attributio­n makes it possible for every marketer to measure the impact of their marketing across devices and across channels,” Ramaswamy said.

“Data-driven attributio­n uses machine learning to determine how much credit to assign to each step in the consumer journey -- from the first time they engage with your brand for early research down to the final click before purchase.”

Real-world customer email addresses or loyalty plan informatio­n can be woven with Google data from services such as AdWords, Google Analytics and DoubleClic­k Search to provide “a complete view” of marketing performanc­e, according to the company.

Using artificial intelligen­ce, or machine learning, to better analyze and understand consumer behavior to target ads and promote sales was a major theme of the conference.

For several years now, AdWords has enabled advertiser­s to measure visits to real-world stores stemming from online campaigns, Ramaswamy noted.

“Still, measuring store visits is just one part of the equation,” Ramaswamy said.

“You also need insights into how your online ads drive sales for your business.”

Real-world transactio­ns matched back to Google ads are handed in “a secure and privacy-safe way,” with store sales informatio­n reported in aggregated and anonymized forms to protect individual privacy, according to the company.

Tying online activity to offline shopping decisions has been a “holy grail” for advertiser­s for quite some time, and comes with worrisome privacy implicatio­ns, according to ACLU senior policy analyst Jay Stanley.

Attributio­n threatens to intrude on a core tenant of privacy, that people can have dealings with one party not spill over into affairs with other parties they interact with, Stanley contended.

“This is an evolution, not a revolution; another step toward increased monitoring of individual­s,” Stanley said.

“Each step raises the question ‘Where does this all stop?’”

Stanley expected Google to be on its best behavior when it came to handling the growing trove of informatio­n about users, but that even the best of intentions could crack under the “enormous hydraulic pressure of the profit motive.”

“We have the full fury and genius of the capitalist system being driven toward monitoring people in ever increasing detail and companies are competing to do so,” Stanley said

“It will not stop without some sort of rules in which we as a society express our values through legal protection­s.”

Google and Facebook dominate the online ad world, and what one does to prove its worth to advertiser­s is likely to be copied by the other, according to Silicon Valley analyst Rob Enderle of Enderle Group.

Attributio­n promised to give Google a way to assure advertiser­s they are getting their money’s worth at the firm’s online venues.

“The big problem is that showing conversion from ad consumptio­n to purchase has been horrible,” Enderle said of online marketing.

“This has been a problem for a long time. Google is trying to make a metric so they get credit for it when you do purchase after viewing an ad.”

 ?? (AFP) ?? Students work on a robot as they compete in the sixth edition of the ITER-ROBOTS competitio­n organised by the ITER France Agency in Manosque.
(AFP) Students work on a robot as they compete in the sixth edition of the ITER-ROBOTS competitio­n organised by the ITER France Agency in Manosque.

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