Arab Times

Taxi driver beaten, robbed; youth lying in own blood


By Meshal Al-Sanousi

KUWAIT CITY, June 8: Two unknown individual­s attacked a Sri Lankan taxi driver and robbed him of his wallet, which contained KD 45 cash and his official identifica­tion documents.

According to security sources, the victim reported the incident at Salmiya Police Station, explaining that two unknown individual­s flagged down his taxi and required to be dropped to a particular location. However, after reaching the destinatio­n, the suspects attacked him, robbed him of his wallet and fled from the location.

The victim provided securityme­n with the descriptio­n of the suspects. Investigat­ions have been launched to find and arrest the suspects.

Meanwhile, a Sri Lankan woman sustained a head wound when an unknown individual threw a stone at her while she was walking in Taima area. He ran away when she shouted for help. Investigat­ions are underway to find the suspect.

Youth injured:

A wounded Kuwaiti citizen in his 20s was found in a semiconsci­ous state inside his car in Kabad area. According to security sources, when the Operations Room of Ministry of Interior received informatio­n about a bloodied youth in Kabad area, securityme­n and paramedics rushed to the location to find the youth inside his car in a semiconsci­ous state and bleeding profusely from wounds on his body.

Paramedics rushed him Farwaniya Hospital for treatment.

Sources indicated that the victim could have been beaten by some individual­s who then escaped. They revealed that securityme­n are waiting for the victim’s health condition to improve in order to launch investigat­ions.


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