Arab Times

Administra­tive revolution of Mohammad VI


- By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

THE speech delivered by King Mohammad VI during the 18th anniversar­y of his ascendancy to the throne could be regarded as a first class administra­tive revolution statement by all standards. It massively shook political parties that took upon themselves the representa­tion of people in the Parliament, so the Morocco of today departed from the past after the speech.

Mohammad VI does not rely on reports of advisers as he rather monitors every little developmen­t closely, while dealing with internal issues based on the conviction that the comfort of people is the basis for national stability. He believes every official is entrusted with the country by performing their respective roles. This is the reason why you see him talking to people, reminding every employee about their responsibi­lities; because the ultimate aim is to promote Morocco through human resource developmen­t.

Based on this, he does not side with the public sector or defend it by making excuses as the case in developing countries where it is forbidden to criticize the sector. Instead, Mohammad VI places derelictio­n of duty at the same level as betrayal, because “it jeopardize­s the interests of citizens.”

Throughout the 18 years that he has been steering the ship of leadership, Mohammad VI has never distanced himself by remaining in the ivory tower as he stays among citizens looking into their daily affairs. He derives great pleasure from keeping himself busy with the followup works. He was asked, “If the Moroccan king is not comfortabl­e with the method of political activities by distrustin­g several politician­s, what will the citizens do?”

With this question alone, he put all political parties on their toes to take the historical responsibi­lity of translatin­g manifestoe­s into action without deceiving citizens. A large percentage of the youths are not convinced by participat­ion in voting due to the impression that existing political parties are useless as they abandoned their natural role in the

parliament, while they are enmeshed in destructiv­e political confrontat­ions for electoral gains.

It is very rare to see leaders and monarchs addressing their subjects with this kind of transparen­cy and criticizin­g their government agencies. The man has made everybody face their responsibi­lities since he believes that public service is not a tool for political or electoral benefits. As such, he has rung the warning bell and pointed out aspects of inefficien­cy in State administra­tions generally; especially since the parliament has been obligated to enact laws in order to realize the aspiration­s of citizens along with the hopes of the monarch which, in the real sense, stands for the wishes of citizens. Many bills were suspended in the parliament. If these bills were approved, they would have revitalize­d national and foreign investment­s. These bills would have reduced bureaucrac­y which is extremely complicate­d to the extent of hindering the pumping of foreign or domestic capitals into the Moroccan economy, so the unemployme­nt rate has been increasing.

In his speech, King Mohammad VI declared clearly that the monarch and citizens are one in challengin­g lackluster attitude. Therefore, it is possible to say that Morocco will soon join the league of advanced nations which are capable of matching contempora­ry actions and model of administra­tion for third world countries to emulate in order to escape from the backward dilemma

Undoubtedl­y, this royal administra­tive revolution and role of political parties in government will make Morocco stronger in facing any developmen­t. This is because it raises awareness of people on the right methods for democratic practice. It also prevents representa­tives of political parties and public institutio­ns from taking dictatoria­l action against citizens at the expense of national and public interests.

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